Therapeutic Yoga

Therapeutic Yoga

Yoga is about fitness, flexibility, and balance—the perfect combination to help you recover from an injury! These Yoga workouts will help you recover from any injuries—to your bones, joints, or connective tissue—as well as surgeries, speeding up the healing process by tapping into your own internal energies.

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Therapeutic Yoga
  • Strengthen Proprioception to Prevent Injury & Increase Performance

    Today we will focus on your posture and body balance. Did you know that improving both your balance and posture can lead to visible benefits in literally every other aspect of your physical well-being! After all, good balance is what keeps you from injuring yourself as you play sports, and proper...

  • Quick & Easy: Intense Chest Stretch

    Spending a lot of time sitting hunched over on your phone or computer? If so, you’re probably feeling the tension in your back and chest from incorrect posture. Give this Intense Chest Stretch video a try! This Yoga stretching workout will release tension in the chest, shoulders, arms, and upper ...

  • Footloose and Inflammation Free! A practice for the Plantar Fascia

    Don’t let foot pain slow you down! Your plantar fascia can get tight and painful after a lot of high-impact exercise, which could impair your ability to run, jump, and play. Not with Wendy on the case. In this 26-minute video, you’ll learn a simple yet highly effective workout that will limber up...

  • Two for One: Quads and Triceps Stretch

    Today Wendy shares one of her favorite routine to stretch the front of your thighs as well as your upper and out arm, your triceps. In just 6-minutes, you’ll experience the full benefits of this 2 for 1 stretch yoga series. Enjoy!

  • Quick & Easy: IT Band Relief

    Ready to stretch you IT Band? If so, this is the perfect video for you. The IT Band can cause pain to your knee or hip. By stretching your IT Band, you will address the tightness that is often experienced among runners and by many others. Enjoy the relief that comes from this quick 5-minute video...

  • Lateral Love

    So many of us focus on our spinal muscles and core muscles, but our lateral muscles don’t get anywhere near as much attention as they really need. While we may not bend side to side in our daily activities of life, having that lateral mobility can play a huge role in improving your range of movem...

  • Quick & Easy Restoring the Rotator Cuff

    In just 15-minutes Wendy helps you restore the rotator cuff. Wendy helps you stretch this area and restore ease. Your shoulders will love you for doing this practice. Enjoy!

  • Balancing Act: A Practice for Improving Balance

    Today, Wendy helps you find your balance. In 30-minutes, she walks you through postures designed to help you find balance in every aspect of life. By doing this practice, you will gain strength, agility and coordination. If you are ready to have more balance start with these poses and you will be...

  • Yoga for Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain

    Today’s practice is for any women facing endometriosis. It is estimated that about 5 million women and young girls are navigating endometriosis in the United States. Endometriosis is a condition where tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus (called the endometrium) grows outside of y...

  • Relief with a Twist

    Today Wendy guides you a restorative series. In less than 10-minutes, you will feel immediate relief and relaxation with these wonderful twists. Enjoy!

  • Do Your Hamstrings Right: Protect the Low Back with Dynamic Stretch

    Wendy often sees people improperly stretch their hamstrings due to the strain to the lower back. Today, in less than 5-minutes Wendy shows you how to protect your lower back while getting an amazing hamstring stretch. Enjoy!

  • Quick & Easy: Strong Abs without Cranky Neck

    Today Amy shares the workout she turns to over sit-ups, as it is easier on the neck. In just 5-minutes, you will learn this wonderful workout to strengthen your abs without cranking your neck.

  • 3 Poses to Ease Sciatica

    Wendy, our therapeutic yoga expert, guides you through her 3 go-to poses to ease sciatica. Sciatica is when the largest nerve in the body, the sciatic nerve, gets inflamed. Sciatica is pain caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve, usually felt in the lower back, buttocks, and bac...

  • Get Unstuck: Simple Practice to Move Energy

    Ready to get unstuck? In less than 15-minutes Wendy guides you through a simple sequence to help move energy through the body. You’ll want to try this video if you relate to feeling stuck, unmotivated, sad or you just need a quick pick me up. By the end of the yoga session, you will feel renewed ...

  • Hip-Hip-Hooray! A Practice for Stubborn Hips

    Today, Wendy provides the attention your hips need! In this 30-minute therapeutic yoga video, Wendy guides you to send more love to your hips, which helps with your mobility. The truth is most of us sit a lot! Sitting impacts mobility by weakening the glutes and your hip flexors, which causes you...

  • Change Your Perspective with Supported Headstand

    Have you tried to do a headstand? If you are a bit nervous about doing so, this variation is perfect for you. Wendy gently guides you in just 6-minutes to help you get into a supported headstand. If you want to improve circulation, improve digestion and stimulate refreshed blood to the glands of ...

  • Nadi Shodhana Pranayama: "Balancing Breath"

    In just 6-minutes, Wendy shares an ancient secret, Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, or a Balancing Breath. This quick an effective tool has many benefits. Some of the benefits include lowering your heart rate, reducing stress and anxiety, and helping to calm and rejuvenate the nervous system. It is also ...

  • Dissolve Anxiety & Relieve Stress

    We all want less stress and anxiety. Yet, the demands of our modern-day life often leave us all feeling stressed. Stress can negatively impact your well-being. Luckily, today Wendy, our therapeutic yoga expert, takes us through a 30-minutes yoga session designed to alleviate stress and anxiety. Y...

  • The Messenger of the Nervous System: Psoas Muscles

    Wendy, our therapeutic yoga expert, focuses on the spine today. In this 30-minutes yoga session, you’ll get to focus on your psoas muscles, the primary connectors from your torso to your legs. These muscles affect your posture and your spine. Structurally, they are the deepest muscles to your cor...

  • Quick & Easy: Strong and Sculpted Arms

    Today Wendy, our therapeutic yoga expert, will help you tone up your arms in just 7-minutes! Trade in arm jiggle for firm toned arms. In just minutes you’ll learn her insider secret to strong and sculpted arms. All you need is a yoga block and you’ll be on your way to tight, toned arms. Give it a...

  • One Pose for Easing Menstrual Pain

    In just 8-minutes Wendy, our yoga expert, guides you through one effective pose to help ease belly, pelvic and low-back discomfort associates with the menstrual cycle. This is a restorative pose meant to help you feel ease in your body. This pose can even be modified to do in your bed! We’re here...

  • Chair Yoga for Individuals with a Condition or Injury

    Today’s therapeutic yoga session led by our yoga expert, Wendy, will guide you through a 30-minute yoga chair sequence specifically designed for those who have a condition, disability, injury or balance difficulty. Yet, everyone will benefit from this therapeutic yoga session focusing on the whol...

  • Open the Heart with Supported Fish Pose

    We could all open our hearts more. Luckily today’s therapeutic yoga session led by our yoga expert, Wendy, will guide you to do a supported fish pose designed to help you open your heart! This therapeutic yoga session supports a healthy, open heart and your ability to give and receive love. Life ...

  • Text Neck, Begone!

    Texting has become part of our everyday lives. Doing so can cause tension in our neck. Today, Wendy guides you through a 30-mnute much needed neck soothing workout. Enjoy!