Yoga Warriors: Breaking Boundaries with Rudy Mettia
"Yoga Warriors" challenges you to push beyond limits with strength, resilience, and purpose. With Rudy Mettia’s guidance, students of all levels cultivate physical and mental strength, unlocking confidence and embodying the spirit of a true yoga warrior. Each class is a dose of intelligent sequencing, transitions, and a unique sense of humor, allowing everyone to discover new depths in each posture. The flows inside prove that you can stay safe, and still see massive progress in your daily practice.
Down N Dirty
Feeling tense, stressed or anxious? Look no further, as this class comes with an emergency relief. In this practice, we will stay down on the floor with some deep stretching, allowing you to wind down and feel refreshed.
Cry Me a River
Time for a High Intensity core class using various plank positions to engage and ignite the deeper core muscles for a stronger and integrated center mass. The result? More power and integrity for the body while performing asanas. Tune in for a quick, engaging workout!
Core Meltdown
Are you running low on time? Still craving some yoga despite that? We have a solution! This 20-minute yoga core class is the essence of ultimate intensity to save as much time as possible. It builds heat fast, so be prepared for a sweat and let’s get through it together!
Responsible Warrior
Do you sometimes feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders? Well, we all know that would be impossible, but we also know how you feel. Which is why this class helps lengthen and strengthen those tired shoulders to withstand whatever weight you choose to bear. Expect poses such ...
Mountain Warrior
Bulgaria is a country full of natural beauty and we would have been remiss not to take advantage of it. Doing yoga in nature, particularly a barefoot standing series like this 30-minute class, is beyond delicious. This is a great class when you are limited in time, or don’t have a yoga mat with y...
Modified Warrior
This is a slow-moving 20-minute sequence designed to show some common poses used throughout the series. Rudy gets on the mat and shows us how he moves through these poses while his voice guides with direction. Join now and see how professionals do it!
Honed Warrior
In this class, you will learn Rudy’s unique brand of math, what soundtrack is playing in Rudy’s mind as he practices yoga and how to wrought your body and mind like hot steel with a hammer and anvil in the fire of your practice. By heating up the body and using the resultant energy to break throu...
Gentle Warrior
A delicious treat after all the other classes, or after a long day of work. This is a yin-based class that holds each pose for several minutes - which allows you to access the body’s natural fountain of youth… It will help your body age gracefully through suppleness in the connective tissue. You ...
Freed Warrior
The hips are notorious for holding and hindering all the body’s pent up energy. Well, it’s time to finally free those hips. In this class, we will focus on opening up the hip joints, feeling the power of mobility, and aligning the body in its most natural positions. The “Happy Baby” pose might fe...
Coiled Warrior
Also known as the “rotation nation”, this is a twisting class. Twisting detoxifies the body as it wrings out all the unwanted stuff that builds up over the natural course of even just one day. As Rudy says, “too much twisting makes you twisted.” Even a small hint of twist is therapeutic and will ...
Progressive Side Angle
In this flow class we use Parsvakonasana (extended side angle) as our blueprint pose. This twisting pose is cleansing to the body and also a great stress reducer, and we will explore it in its numerous variations. See them all and make sure to pick your favorite!
Old Skool Power Yoga
Time to go back to the roots with old school power yoga… This practice features classic power yoga at its best, paying homage to Rudy's first teacher and the founder of Power Yoga, Bryan Kest. See how it was done for ages!
No Vinyasa
This class starts off strong and before you know it, you are in a challenging series of twisting lunges and low lunges. This class was designed to give your shoulders a break from all the normal vinyasa-ing. We do some push ups at the start and then leave the shoulders alone while we focus on the...
My Kingdom for a Horse
Utilizing Utkatasana (chair pose) and Virabhadrasana III (warrior 3) as our launching pad, we will move through several sequences of standing postures. And the benefits of this flow? Chair pose is ideal for strengthening your thighs, calves and hip flexors. Warrior 3 is great for improving memory...
Delayed Vinyasa
A delayed vinyasa provides an opportunity for a profound moment within the practice. It's a moment between postures where we step back into downward facing dog versus automatically slipping into the habit of entering into an over used, tired, misaligned and intention forsaken vinyasa. This will s...
Bird of Paradise
This class is all about the Bird of Paradise pose. It is the peak pose in this sequence for many reasons. Firstly, it incorporates all of the benefits of preceding postures into one single movement. Secondly, it is intensely challenging. Listen carefully to the instructions while maintaining focu...
Asana Butter
Are you a fan of almond butter by any chance? You'll love asana butter then! In this creamy flow, we will use Rudy's original "delayed vinyasa" to enhance the flow of energy and vitality. This sequence will leave you feeling energized… And most likely hungry afterwards!
As the World Turns
In this class, you will twist yourself silly while elongating, rotating, and squeezing away tension. It will come in handy after a long, tiresome day that finally comes to an end. Make sure to tune in and feel the tension disappearing in real time!
Crawling Dragon
In this 60-minute core-centered practice, we will utilize plank and forearm plank with high intensity interval training. By using short, explosive bursts of movement and energy, we will get our cardiovascular system working.
Blending & Mending
There’s great power in our breath alone. In this class, we will focus on using the rhythm of the breath to create a new way of experiencing yoga. Here we link postures together to mend the body, the mind and the soul.
6 x 6 = OMG
Strength comes in many shapes and forms… This time, we will move from physical strength to emotional strength in this series of poses each held for 90 seconds. Look for stillness in these dynamic poses, and feel them like never before!
Jumping Jacks Dynamic Flow
A quick moving, dynamic flow that you can practice on its own or add to another slower class. We open strong with jumping jacks, move into hop ups later on, integrating HIIT training techniques and keeping up the explosive pace throughout. It's only 30 minutes but guaranteed to make you sweat and...
Fly Like an Eagle
Our legs carry us everywhere we go, and they do this day after day… And for this reason, we need to give some love back to them. This is a hip opening, glute strengthening, binding practice that will challenge your balance and increase your leg strength. Time to move!
Fluid Warrior
It’s time to put a little groove in your move. This is the most free-flowing of the classes as you are taken from pose to pose in a fluid manner with less time spent in holding poses. The breath is always paramount in yoga, but in a moving meditation like this it becomes even more crucial to get ...