Stress Busters: Mastering Techniques for Mental Resilience

Stress Busters: Mastering Techniques for Mental Resilience

In the Stress Busters show you’ll finally learn how to get out of your head and become more present during stressful situations. Not only that, our experts will teach you their favorite techniques to combat anxiety and become a more confident version of yourself. As a result, your whole body will be able to produce more energy and feel lighter. Join us to become more mentally resilient, while also becoming emotionally aware.

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Stress Busters: Mastering Techniques for Mental Resilience
  • The Detrimental Effect of Stress on Hormonal Balance

    Decoding a hormonal balance is no easy task, but not many people realize that there’s one specific hormone that massively dictates the performance of all the rest... And if we don’t handle stress properly, we are sure to notice this in every area of life. When the body is under too much unresolve...

  • Effects Of The Stress Response In The Modern World

    Some good and bad news: Stress helped us to survive as a species. BUT, it does more harm to our bodies nowadays. If you’re like most people - getting rid of stress is a tough task. But a vital one, if you want to remain healthy…Extended exposure to stress is a sure way to some very SERIOUS diseas...

  • Healthy Relationships & Stress Management - Key Factors For Longevity

    In the West, it’s quite rare to see someone thriving in their 100’s. Getting to this number is a big milestone in itself, and being healthy at that age is even harder… However, there are people who have cracked the code to not only lifespan, but also healthspan. These people live in various place...

  • Effect of Stress on Fertility & Ways To Manage It

    Stress is the biggest buzzkill for mood, fertility, and healthy relationships. To prove this theory, Dr. Aumatma Simmons went over 500 different studies, and found out that the average couple is way too stressed… And the worst thing to recommend to a stressed out person is to overload them with a...

  • Stress - The No. 1 Cause of Adrenal Fatigue & Autoimmunity

    You’ve probably never seen a bear in real life… Yet your body most likely acts like you see one everyday… Most of us spend 80% of time in the “fight or flight” state, never slowing down. According to Dr. Tricia Pingel, this might be the true reason why we see so many symptoms of autoimmunity. In ...

  • Easy, Intermediate & Advanced Techniques for Vagus Nerve Stimulation

    Did you know that there’s a nerve going all the way from your brain to the pelvic floor? It’s called vagus nerve, which is responsible for digestion, heartbeat, breathing, and many other vital body functions. So you can probably imagine that when this nerve is under stress, your body can’t functi...

  • 2 Ways in Which Stress Causes Autoimmunity (+4 Herbs to Manage Chronic Stress)

    Too much stress? Leads to increased cortisol. Too much cortisol? Eats your body like acid from the inside out, because stress may cause leaky gut, allowing food particles to pass into the blood… Stimulating a severe immune response. The solution? 4 little-known supplements recommended by Dr. Yvon...

  • Chronic Stress Causing Flame Out Syndrome Leading to Burnout & Chronic Diseases

    We all go through stages of burnout, when it’s easy to become doubtful and start feeling sorry for yourself…The bucket of stress keeps filling up, impacting every area of our life…Yet most sources consider ‘burnout’ as only a workplace-related phenomenon. So, what’s the right way to describe the ...

  • Long Covid - Symptoms Without Virus

    The last few years created more than just economical problems and mental confusion… Many people indeed had Covid, and they may have even felt decent at that time… But why would they still experience symptoms of the virus after it’s gone? This is a completely new phenomenon, still making scientist...

  • Opening Your Perspective & Building Resilience for Better Health

    Some people will say that they’re resilient, but all they really do is endlessly push through everything and neglect stress as much as possible. Sorry to say, but “resilience” shouldn’t be an excuse for never slowing down… If you want to see what healthy & balanced resilience really looks like, w...

  • The 4 Aspects to Manage Stress

    Studies show that we spend almost half of our days on autopilot, being stuck in the same stressful thoughts. Imagine how much more out of life you could get if you lived in the present and just stopped caring as much. Here’s the fun part - You could achieve this in the next few minutes if you fol...

  • Microinflammation - How Stress Destroys Your Body

    If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you’re massively underestimating stress… And if you knew how much it traumatizes your body, you’d be doing everything to manage it properly. If you’re still ok with sleepless nights, anxiety, and poor energy - give us literally one minute! We’ve ...

  • 5 Step Blueprint to Shift from Stress to Success

    Are you able to handle every situation that life throws at you with ease? Or do you easily get affected by any inconvenience? If it’s the latter, then it’s your lucky day! Dr. Irene Cop will share her 5 steps on how to: Maximize your resilience, Control any difficult situation, Manifest power thr...

  • What is Self-Sabotage & How to Deal with It?

    Remember when you were a little kid learning to walk? You’d fall down time after time, yet you still continued to get back up. But if we were to learn walking as an adult, most people would probably give up… Scared of judgment, failing, and comparing themselves to others. According to Dr. Tricia ...

  • 3 Tips to Lower Stress in Daily Life

    When was the last time you did something specifically to reduce your stress levels? If the answer is “long ago” or you don’t even remember… Listen up! Stress has a profound effect on how inflamed your body is, and most people’s stress levels are off the charts… (so you can probably guess how this...

  • From Stress to Resilience Using Hormesis

    Guess what suppresses your immune system literally everywhere? Stress. It’s the single biggest component that confuses your body and lowers your guard, inviting autoimmunity. The ideal way to deal with it would be to avoid stress, but we don’t live in a perfect world. That’s where building your r...

  • 2 Powerful Mindfulness Techniques & Therapies To Reduce Emotional Toxins

    Everyone could use more peace and positivity in their life… But if you aren’t actively working on those things, you may never achieve them! Introducing small, yet powerful techniques is the way to make a change over time, and that’s what we’ll inspire you to do today! During this Health Bite, Dr....

  • Stress - A Major Toxin Affecting Our Health

    When we think of toxins, tons of heavy metals or chemicals may come to mind… But what about emotions? Can they also become toxic and undermine our health? Most definitely, and there’s one specific emotion which can keep you ‘wired & tired’ for years. The first step to letting go of this toxic tho...

  • Neurofeedback for Reducing Stress and Calming Your Mind

    A client of Sachin Patel surely didn’t expect to change her son’s behavior. She wanted to lose weight, decrease her stress, and balance her hormones. Calming down her troublesome kid wasn’t on the list, yet it still happened! Were these two events connected? Yes and no…Is your kid causing problem...

  • 5 Steps of a Hero's Journey For a Peaceful & Happy Life

    Just like epic heroes, we all have our own battles. But instead of fighting dragons, we often face our own emotions as the enemy. And just like the hero has to defeat the monster to bring peace to the world, we need to conquer our emotions in order to feel at ease… To help you with that, this Hea...

  • 5 Step Stress to Success SHIFT Protocol

    There was a movie, in which the main character was able to use 100% of his brain to go and achieve amazing things. While that’s certainly hard to do, some supplements have the power to enhance your brain… We’re going to reveal 4 of them today: #1 Calms your nervous system down, #2 Relaxes your mu...

  • Somatic Responses Of Stuck Emotions

    Wrong emotions can make us fearful, angry, and stressed out… But they can also intoxicate our body, if not released properly! This is just one example of what you may not realize about your thoughts & feelings… Another is that some emotions can be linked to specific organs… Which may sound like a...

  • The Delicate Link Between Emotional Health and Physical Health

    Episode 1