Pilates for a Sculpted Body with Brendali

Pilates for a Sculpted Body with Brendali

Take your physical conditioning to the next level! It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner—you’ll find Pilates will enhance your strength and make you fit, developing fitness on every level. Easy-to-do workouts, yet they’ll challenge you to push farther and train harder to achieve more!

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Pilates for a Sculpted Body with Brendali
  • 4 Pilates Oblique Exercises to Trim Your Waistline

    Who else wants a killer core? In less than 15 minutes, our pilates expert, Brendali will walk us through this intermediate oblique exercise series to trim your waistline. Pilates elongates and strengthens, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility. Enjoy your new sculpted body and trim waist...

  • Abdominal Flow for a Balanced Body

    Who doesn’t want a flatter belly? You’re in luck because today Brendali, our Pilates expert, will guide you through an abdominal flow for a balanced body. Pilates builds strength without excess bulk enabling you to create a sleek, toned body with a flat abdomen. This will be on your favorites lis...

  • Tone Your Arms Without Weights

    During our work-outs we are often putting so much efforts into getting the perfect abs, glute or legs that we sometimes may be forgetting our arms! Today Brendali will correct this! In 15 mins and without any weights, she will walk you through an amazing arm workout that will tone and strengthen ...

  • Long and Lean Dancers' Legs

    Don’t we all dream to have dancers’ legs? In today’s Pilates video Brendali will show us an enjoyable sequence for long and lean legs. It is intermediate to advanced session with modifications offered for beginners. In just 15 mins this legwork exercise will work every muscle of your body – legs,...

  • Trim and Slim Abs and Thighs

    In less than 20 minutes Brenda will walk you through a ‘Trim and Slim Abs and Thighs’ Pilates workout. It is intermediate/advanced level but Brenda offers modifications for beginners so don’t hesitate to try this workout even if you are newbies to Pilates! By the end of the session you will feel ...

  • 10 Minute Lower Body Flexibility Workout

    Today Brenali will walk you through a 10-min lower body flexibility workout that will stretch and invigorate your body. Even though the focus is on your lower body, you will also have a chance to work out your core and arms. It is an intermediate-level session.

  • Upper Body Challenge

    Do you have 25 minutes and are looking for a great, challenging workout? Brendali has a great workout just for you! This is a great exercise for any level, from beginner to advanced because Brendali will give you ways to adapt this workout to your level. Are you ready for the challenge?

  • Accelerated Mat Pilates in 15 Minutes

    Short, sweet, and to the point! This workout will only require 15 minutes of your day but oh! What a workout you’ll get! Don’t worry if you’re still a little inexperienced, because Brendali will give variations of all of the positions! Let us know how you do with this quick but intense workout!

  • Tone Up: Intermediate/Advanced Mat Pilates

    In less than 25 minutes you can have an amazing toning Pilates class! Brendali will offer modifications for you to make this class perfect for you- especially if you have any head or neck issues. Your abs will be on fire from start to finish, in the best possible way!

  • Standing Pilates Legwork Exercises for Balance and Posture

    Do you have 10 minutes today to improve your balance and posture? We hope so! Today’s workout from Brendali is definitely a challenge! This legwork exercise will work every muscle, from the top of your head to the toes on your feet- but it will especially work your abdominal muscles to support an...

  • The Infamous 5 Ab Series: 5 Moves in 5 Minutes

    Who says a great workout can’t also be a quick one? In just 5 minutes, Brendali will take you through 5 different ab workouts and we know you’ll be feeling the burn! Can you make it through the entire workout? What about doing a second or third round? Let us know how many rounds you conquer!

  • Upper Body Strengthening and Stretching

    This 20-minute Pilates workout is perfect for beginners as well as intermediate practices. Brendali will take you through some great upper-body strength work and stretches. And what Pilates workout would be complete without some great core work as well? You’ll also get some great modifications to...

  • The Perfect Pilates Exercise for all Levels: The Double Leg Stretch

    In just 5-minutes, Brendali guides you through a quick Pilates tutorial. She guides you through all the variations of double leg stretch, from beginning to more advanced. You will love knowing this imperative Pilates move.

  • Booty Blast: Tone and Lift Your Buns

    Let’s kick off the week with a booty blast by our Pilates expert Brendali. This 13-min floor workout will tone and lift your buns, while being gentle on your joints. Enjoy it!

  • Basic Reformer on the Mat Workout

    Today our Pilates expert Brenda has prepared an excellent total body workout on a mat for beginners. It is only 20-min long but it will energize and tone your body! Happy working out

  • Ab Blast Workout

    Today Brendali has prepared an interesting Pilates session designed originally for astronauts while they are in space – the Ab Blast Workout! Power through this 8-min session to strengthen your abs and core muscles!

  • Wall Pilates: Support your Body and Enhance Your Workout

    If you have 20-minutes today, you’ll want to give this Wall Pilates workout a today. By using the wall, you will be able to fully engage your muscles more. If you want to kick off the day with a great workout that will work your entire body, we suggest giving our expert Pilates workout a try. Enj...

  • Total Body Standing Pilates Workout

    If you want to kick off the new day in the right way, then you may enjoy this 15-min total body standing Pilates workout by our expert Brendali! It will stretch and tone your body for a great start of the day! Enjoy it and let us know how you liked it!

  • Chair Workout for Energy Boost

    In just 10 minutes you can have an amazing energizing Pilates class! So, grab a chair, and get ready to energize! This is a perfect class when you need some extra energy. You can even do this as you watch TV or when you need a desk break. Enjoy this great chair workout. Once you do it, you will m...

  • Intermediate / Advanced Pilates for Sculpted Legs and Buns

    If you want to sculpt your legs and buns, then you'll enjoy this 15-min intermediate Pilates workout by our expert Brendali! Enjoy and have a great workout!

  • The Pilates Powerhouse: The Engine that Drives all Movement and How to Use It

    Today, in less than 5-minutes, Brendali shares a short tutorial on how to use the Pilates powerhouse. If you are ready to give Pilates a try, this video helps you learn the basics. Enjoy!

  • Sculpted Abs, Legs, and Buns for Beginners

    Calling all of you new to Pilates! This 30-minute video is for you! Brendali walks you through this introductory Pilates session designed to sculpt your entire body. Ready for sculpted abs and legs, give it a try!

  • Intro to Pilates: A Message from Brendali

    Brandali shares her journey to Pilates and the many benefits it can provide. Enjoy!