Reset & Rebuild: Power Yoga with Anna Orbison

Reset & Rebuild: Power Yoga with Anna Orbison

"Reset & Rebuild” delivers dynamic, strength-building yoga sessions that focus on balance, pace, and targeted body areas. Anna Orbison’s classes combine challenging sequences with mindful alignment, improving flexibility and endurance. With a background in dance and a passion for technique, Anna brings a playful, yet focused approach to each session. Expect a smile, yoga philosophy, and physically demanding movements that push you beyond your limits, while fostering strength in a supportive, inspiring atmosphere. Perfect for yogis seeking a fun, empowering challenge.

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Reset & Rebuild: Power Yoga with Anna Orbison
  • The Power of Pacing

    Ever found yourself burned out in the middle of a class? This class is a challenging flow, but will help you pace yourself correctly, so that you can finish the marathon - not sprint the first mile and never cross the finish line. Tune in and see how to stay present throughout the whole session!

  • Sauca: Clearing Your Mind

    Sauca is the concept of finding both physical cleanliness and purity of your mind and spirit. Creating a clear space both internally and externally directly affects your mood, your ability to find happiness, and your sense of calm within your life. As we practice, we work our way towards a cleare...

  • Love Thyself

    Life, work, and commitments can take up most of our time… That’s why this class is all about being gentle to your body and taking some “me” time! It’s a great balance to many of the more difficult classes, perfect for a late evening or early morning practice. There are plenty of modifications dem...

  • Personalize Your Practice

    The beauty of each pose? It can be made easier or harder, depending on what your body wants at that specific moment. Because we all have different proportions, areas of tension and injuries, certain poses may feel great… While others will be more challenging. This practice will help you find a ve...

  • Know Yourself Deeply

    What does true “me time” look like? It’s about self-reflection, getting rid of our ego and moving into a deeper state of awareness. When we look at ourselves honestly and openly, we can grow, heal, and ultimately lead a happier life… And that is exactly what we'll explore in this class.

  • Feet: Your Foundation

    Often forgotten, our feet are the foundation of practically everything that we do. They connect us to Earth, give us the strength to move, and ground us down. This class focuses on foot placement, giving our feet the love and respect that they deserve. Join and see how to root yourself to the gro...

  • Finding Balance

    If you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions during the day, and your mind is constantly racing… It can get difficult to fully focus and be present in the moment. The balancing poses presented in this 1 hour-long class will help you quiet your mind and increase your strength at th...

  • Find Your Bliss

    They say “do what you love”, but this can feel a bit complicated. Especially if you spend a large portion of your day doing work and chores that don’t really excite you… This class is dedicated to prioritizing your happiness, because you’ll never regret doing things that bring you joy and satisfa...

  • Evening Hip Openers

    After a long day at work, nothing feels better than opening your hips and releasing stress in your low back. This is a relatively gentle class where we deeply stretch our hips and set ourselves up for a great night's sleep. Much recommended for anyone who’s fed up with the side effects of their s...

  • Heart Opening

    This flow class will be all about finding an openness in your heart throughout a strong flow. We will move, sweat, bend, and extend all the while keeping our hearts lifted and happy. If you like a mindful but strong practice, this is the class for you.

  • Joy and Playfulness

    Had a bad, tiring day? If you feel like you’re overwhelmed with stress, and you can’t seem to get your mind clear - this class will be the right answer. During this practice, you’ll flow, move, work up a sweat, and most importantly… Have fun!

  • Creating a Home Practice

    Practicing at home is very rewarding, but may also get very hard. You can easily get distracted… There’s no one to push you to go harder… And you don’t have as much drive as you would in a group class… But worry not, as there are practical steps you can take to remain motivated, fully focused and...

  • Contemplating Contentment

    Santosha is the yogic concept of contentment or satisfaction and so often in our lives or on our mats, we struggle with feeling okay with where we're at. Despite that, each one of us can find peace within, and improve the relationship with our mind-body connection. During this one-hour flow, we w...

  • Beginning Backbends

    When you first begin yoga, backbends can be a little scary. They're not within our typical range of motion in our day-to-day lives like forward bends or twists are, so our backs aren't always used to bending in that direction. This class will get you opening your chest, releasing in your shoulder...

  • Always Wanted to Learn

    You've certainly seen yoga pictures with people in Crow, Headstand or Wild Thing, but how do people actually get into these advanced poses? This class will give you step-by-step instructions on how to get your arm balances, inversions, and backbends… So you can perform each pose like a pro!

  • Addicted to Busy

    We all get busy from time to time, but let's face it - some of us love being busy. We love to move quickly through things: our practice, our daily duties, and even sometimes the things we enjoy most. If you’re the one who’s always in a rush, the strong, slow, and powerful flow presented in this c...

  • A Steady Hour Flow

    Never tried a 1-hour long class? This one will be a perfect starting point for every beginner. You’ll be guided through each pose with grace, ease, and plenty of empowering tips. Prepare for a little challenge with some basic vinyasa flows though!