Find Your Bliss
Reset & Rebuild: Power Yoga with Anna Orbison
They say “do what you love”, but this can feel a bit complicated. Especially if you spend a large portion of your day doing work and chores that don’t really excite you… This class is dedicated to prioritizing your happiness, because you’ll never regret doing things that bring you joy and satisfaction!
Up Next in Reset & Rebuild: Power Yoga with Anna Orbison
Evening Hip Openers
After a long day at work, nothing feels better than opening your hips and releasing stress in your low back. This is a relatively gentle class where we deeply stretch our hips and set ourselves up for a great night's sleep. Much recommended for anyone who’s fed up with the side effects of their s...
Heart Opening
This flow class will be all about finding an openness in your heart throughout a strong flow. We will move, sweat, bend, and extend all the while keeping our hearts lifted and happy. If you like a mindful but strong practice, this is the class for you.
Joy and Playfulness
Had a bad, tiring day? If you feel like you’re overwhelmed with stress, and you can’t seem to get your mind clear - this class will be the right answer. During this practice, you’ll flow, move, work up a sweat, and most importantly… Have fun!