From Stress to Bliss - 24h a Day

From Stress to Bliss - 24h a Day

Stress is the common denominator in as many as 80% of the diseases, disorders, and chronic conditions we suffer. Managing it is imperative for a healthy life—not only one free of illness, but one overflowing with happiness. These episodes will give you the stress management tactics and techniques to help you keep the daily stress of your busy life in check for a better-balanced emotional wellbeing.

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From Stress to Bliss - 24h a Day
  • A Simple Breathing Technique To Help You Fall Asleep

    In just 5-minutes Amy guides you through a simple breathing technique designed to help you fall asleep fast. So, if you want to relax and clear the clutter in your mind before falling asleep, this is the video for you! Enjoy!

  • Your Body's Main Stress Hormone, Cortisol: 5 Ways to Lower It Naturally

    Stress - we all experience it today in age. Luckily, in this video, Rasha shares 5 ways you can naturally lower cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone. Cortisol is important for helping the body deal with stressful situations. During the ‘fight-or-flight’ response, adrenaline speeds up your hea...

  • Fractal Patterns: Pleasing to the Eye, Calming to the Nervous System

    'Fractals’ can be a powerful method for reducing stress. In today’s video, Rasha explains what a fractal pattern is and presents evidence from the scientific world on how fractals can help you reduce stress and anxiety. Rasha also provides some useful tips on how to incorporate exposure to fracta...

  • Utilizing the relaxation response to mitigate the effects of stress

    In less than 10-minutes Amy shares how to mitigate the effects for stress. Stress can lead to short and long-term deteriorating health effects. Amy shared four of her favorite ways to help reduce stress. Enjoy!

  • Use your voice to stomp out stress

    Today Amy shares how to use your voice to stomp out stress. Specifically, Amy shares how sound waves can help alleviate stress, trauma or disease.

  • 4 Surprising Ways Journaling Can Help You De-Stress

    If you have 5 minutes, then enjoy this video on how journaling can reduce stress. Plus, if you have never tried journaling before, Rasha shares how to get started in a fun and easy way. Enjoy these four ways journaling can help you reduce stress. We'd love to know how journaling helps you, let us...

  • 6 Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress

    Holiday stress can creep in. Today, Rasha shares six simple tips to reduce holiday stress. While holidays are meant to be at time for connection and joy, they can cause stress and anxiety. To help you best prepare for these often stressful times, you'll want to watch this video. Get back to the i...

  • Nadi Shodhana: A breathing technique to ease nerves

    In this helpful 10-minute video, Amy shares a breathing technique, nadi shodhana, to to help ease your nerves. This alternate nostril breathing technique helps reduce blood pressure, increases cognitive abilities, helps to clear mental clutter and helps you to relax. Enjoy!

  • The power of touch: 5 acupressure points to relieve stress

    In less than 10-minutes, Amy shares the power of touch, specifically 5 acupressure points to alleviate stress. This ancient practice has been found to alleviate stress, tension and anxiety. We are excited for you to try Amy’s science backed suggestions. We’d love to know which worked best for you!

  • 4 Surprising Benefits of Helping Others - Backed By Science!

    Did you know helping other can improve your mental health? Well today in less than 10-minutes, Rasha shares the surprising benefits of helping others, backed by science! Check out this video to find out how to improve both your mental and physical health in joyful, connected and helpful ways.

  • 3 ways nature can help alleviate your stress

    If you have just 5-minutes you'll want to tune into this video to learn how nature can help you alleviate stress. Amy not only shares the research of the power of getting out in nature, she also shares tips on doing so. If you want to improve your mental health in an easy yet effective way, this ...

  • Magnesium: The Ultimate Relaxation Mineral

    If you are dealing with stress and anxiety, sometimes the root cause is actually purely physical! Certain mineral and nutrient deficiencies can cause serious behavioral and mental conditions. One such important mineral is magnesium. 80% of Americans are low or deficient in magnesium so in today’s...

  • 4 Best Essential Oils for Anxiety

    In less than 10 minutes, Rasha shares the four best essential oils for anxiety. Plus, she shares how to use the oils. If you are ready to learn the many benefits of aromatherapy, then this video is for you. Enjoy!

  • Opening breath awareness into wave technique to calm the nervous system

    If you have just 7-minutes and are ready to learn the power of your breath to help you minimize stress, this is the video for you. Amy shares her go-to posture to calm your nervous system. This is the perfect video if you are feeling stressed and want to be guided into calm. Enjoy!

  • 5 Best Foods to Support Your Adrenals

    In just 5-minutes Rasha shares the five best food to support your adrenals. These glands are involved balancing your stress hormones so it is vital to best understand how to support them. In this quick video, you'll learn what foods to add to support your adrenals and what foods to eliminate. Tun...

  • 5 Best Supplements to Take When You're Feeling Stressed

    Stress! It's bound to get us all. Tune in today to this quick 5-minute video that shares the five best supplements to take when you're feeling stressed. While a holistic approach to reducing stress is the best go-to. This video shares how supplements can be part of your essential tool kit when fe...

  • 5 Ways to Ditch Stress in Under 5 Minutes

    In less than 5-minutes Rasha shares how to ditch stress when you are short on time. These simple but highly effective tips will make a huge difference. Give them a try today and share which worked best for you. Enjoy!

  • One simple way to help avoid a panic attack

    If you have just 5-minutes you'll want to tune into this video when you feel intense anxiety come on. If you want to learn a quick and easy way to calm yourself, this is the video for you! Amy walks you step-by-step and shares her to go anxiety reducing tool. Enjoy!