A to Z Yoga Journey with Vytas Baskauska
“A to Z Yoga Journey” is a source of endless practices to go from beginner to advanced, and from tense to relaxed. With a mix of fresh, experimental flows and traditional sequences, you will be guided on a journey of continuous growth, regardless of current experience level. Embracing alignment in both body and mind, Vytas Baskauska teaches with authenticity and compassion, inspiring students to progress on and off the mat. Pick from a selection of quick, intense workouts, or indulge in long and engaging sessions for the ultimate yoga experience.
Align 2
When you perform each pose with intention, yoga can help restore balance in the body. But for that, creating a strong foundation through proper alignment is key, as it allows space and support for the body. Mastering the correct form in every posture not only deepens your practice, but also preve...
Short and Sweet 3
Is it possible to experience intense yogic style strength in as little as 20 minutes? Soon, you’ll know the answer! Hard-hitting core-based sequencing coupled with inversions, twisting, and deep stretching makes for a highly challenging class, sure to leave you drenched in sweat…
Short and Sweet 2
If you only have 20 minutes but still want to workout the kinks in your body and restore healthy blood flow, this intermediate short and sweet practice does just that. Through core work, deep stretching, standing balancing poses, and twists, this practice will help you get a well rounded workout ...
Symmetric Poses
The problem with doing poses on one side is that oftentimes, we don’t make them completely even. So even if you hold them for a similar amount of time and put a similar amount of energy into them, they’re never going to be perfectly the same… And we do want our bodies to be developed in an even w...
Strapped Arm Stretch
Who wouldn’t want nice, toned shoulders? Even better, if they’re well stretched and mobile, allowing a full range of movement? This 40-minute sequence will focus on empowering the arms and shoulders with a snap of a finger… Have a strap nearby and handy!
Deepen the Squat
Deepen the squat....say no more. We all know that squats are some of the most demanding (yet rewarding!) exercises, but here’s how to take them to the next level. If you ever dreamed of perfecting this move, we’ll show you the full how-to!
Deep Hamstring Work
This is a strong vinyasa flow class that focuses mostly on the hamstrings. As our practice deepens, we are more mindful not just about where we stretch, but how we stretch. A good opening of the hamstrings will allow for more range of motion in the pelvis and reduce stress felt in the lower back....
Blindfold Practice
If you were looking for something refreshing and experimental, you just found the right class! It’s time to turn off the lights and see how much one sense can change everything! This creative 60-minute sequence will keep you guessing... in the dark.
Align 1
Our yoga practice will ultimately bring our bodies into balance, but this can only happen if we work properly in each pose. It is of utmost importance to create an alignment template that facilitates space in the body while supporting it. When we learn these poses, having the correct form will al...
Inversions Class
Inversion poses are excellent for improving strength, balance and blood flow… And this class will introduce you to the art of going “upside down” in your practice. We’ll begin with a warm up series meant to activate the muscles of the core and shoulders; this should nearly always be done before i...
Intermediate Balance Flow
The Intermediate Balanced class covers all bases, and is a great “go- to” class to cure what ails you. It is just the right amount of challenge without being too strong. The class begins with Reclining Bound Angle Pose, which is great for lower back pain alleviation. Next, we’ll move into leg lif...
Meditation for Beginners
All that you need to succeed in your meditation practice is a bit of persistence. An untrained mind will reject quietude and stillness. Fortunately, consistent effort will take you a long way on your journey… The technique we are about to practice here is simple and will give you the ability to w...
Odd Transitions
Yoga burnout is real… When we practice for a long time, it’s easy to get bored with the same transitions into postures. Yes, there are many ways to get into a pose, but only a few are probably the smartest. That being said, as long as you don't take yourself too seriously, messing around with som...
Not So HardCore
Here is some more core strength for all of you yogis out there. This is a very challenging level 2 practice. It should leave you sweaty and panting at the end of 20 minutes... Just make sure that when working with these core muscles, you never strain or force. Take the time to do it right and res...
New Ideas for Old Vinyasa
Tradition for tradition's sake doesn't serve anyone. Now that yoga has become popularized and we are seeing the results in millions of people, there are some changes that need to be embraced. Vytas will discuss his observations in over 10 years of teaching. This is less of a flow class and more o...
Mellow Mobility
For those of us that need continuous work on our mobility, this is a great practice to incorporate into the regular fitness regiment. It targets all of the major areas of mobility, while also encouraging full focus and mindfulness. Get on your mat and free yourself from the tension you’ve been re...
Lifting the Back Ribs
In this class, we’ll focus exclusively on the ribcage and the back. How is it lifting? Are you sitting up tall? Here we work on movements to hollow out front body to keep back body long. Through these slow and deliberate movements, we’ll explore lifting back ribs and lifting the chest so that the...
Left Side First
It’s both entertaining and valuable for our body to switch things up sometimes. Hence why this class is all about getting out of habit patterns. One of the biggest habits in this practice is always starting with the right side. For this reason, we will start everything on our left side and learn ...
Hips and Hamstrings
Where does our freedom in movement come from? It turns out that two very important areas for that are the hips and hamstrings… This intelligent sequence will get to the deep stretches in a way that makes perfect sense and at the same time takes some strength and stamina. Open these areas and enjo...
Short and Sweet 1
Strong vinyasa yoga alone can leave an imbalance in the body… That’s why it’s imperative to take it easy sometimes. The class flows through twisting poses, hip openers, and shoulder work to give your body a full and even stretch for blissful relaxation and restoration that is much needed by all o...
Simple Mindfulness Meditation
Sometimes, all it takes to achieve inner peace and relaxation is getting away from the noise of complexity. This is a very simple, yet profound meditation practice for all those who want to wind down and focus on what’s going on inside their mind.
Heels and Toes
Where do you rest the weight in your feet? We rarely think about our feet in general, but that’s about to change with this unique practice. This class will take you through some traditional poses to bring awareness to the lower leg, giving you a new sense of stability and comfort.
Functionality Above All
There are many movements in yoga that move the body in extreme and non-sustainable ways. Those poses and sequences are fun, but they aren't the type of things we should be doing every day. If you truly want to have a daily practice, it should consist of mostly functional poses; moving the body in...