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Feel Belly Fat Burn off with these Pilates Moves

Pilates for a Sculpted Body with Brendali • 15m

Up Next in Pilates for a Sculpted Body with Brendali

  • 4 Effective Core Exercises for Pilate...

    Do you have less than 10-minutes to sculpt your body today? Then you’ll want to do Brendali’s 4 Effective Pilates Core Exercises for Beginners. Pilates exercises develop a strong core, or center of the body. The core consists of the deep abdominal muscles along with the muscles closest to the spi...

  • Warm Up Moves for your Workout

    In less than 10-minutes Brendali helps warm you up for your workout. Doing this brings more awareness to your body and gets you ready to have an incredible workout. By increasing the body's temperature, you loosen the tissues around your joints, increasing their range of motion. Better flexibilit...

  • 5 Must Do Pilates Moves for a Sculpte...

    Who doesn’t want a more sculpted butt and hamstrings? You’re in luck because today Brendali shares her 5 must do Pilates moves to sculpt your butt and hamstrings. You will also get the added benefit of working your core muscles. You’ll love the results you’ll get to by consistently doing this qui...