Free Your Head
A to Z Yoga Journey with Vytas Baskauska
When we work in our inversion practice, it is easy to strain and tense around the neck. But that’s never a good idea. This practice will address the work in the shoulders and position of the neck in inversions as basic as downward dog and as complex as headstand. There is a good amount of core work thrown in to help us get upside down as well!
Up Next in A to Z Yoga Journey with Vytas Baskauska
Hips Class
It’s always a good idea to begin the practice with a focus on hip openings. This class will be a perfect warmup, showing a whole spectrum of hip openings - from beginner-level to advanced. The more challenging poses will require immense strength and flexibility, so be patient with yourself and al...
Twists Class
Twisting Poses will help restore your spine’s natural range of motion, cleanse your organs, and stimulate circulation. A detoxification process takes place within your body when oxygenated blood is forced into deep muscle tissue and joints, so the first step in this class is to get the blood movi...