Vibrational Balance: Rhythmic Yoga for Everybody
Practice the Art or Suspense and Mystery in this 40 minute flow as a Hunting Eagle. Send mixed signals to create an air of mystery, elusiveness and depth which fascinates as it confuses with change and unlikely yet fluid transitions. You are mysterious and cannot be figured out… This flow will address excellent mobility as we open all of your major joints and elongate your attention span.
Up Next in Vibrational Balance: Rhythmic Yoga for Everybody
Ambiguous Flow
Escape conformity by practicing fluidity with this 50 min Ambiguous Flow. Practice being yourself truly, and achieve a feeling of freedom that we all want to have… Practice a display of true and radical contrast from the banal conformity that the masses create for you as a backdrop. In this flow,...
Suspense Flow
This flow will address excellent mobility, as we open all of your major joints and elongate your attention span. We will practice the Art of Suspense and Mystery in this 40 minute flow as a Hunting Eagle, sending mixed signals to create an air of mystery, elusiveness and depth, which fascinates a...
Effortless Flow
Make your accomplishments effortless with this 30 minute flow in which your actions seem smooth as your journey is taken with great ease. Fluid breath and body transitions with relaxed faces will create a positive energy and feelings of grace. As your breath becomes slow, soft and graceful, so wi...