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Total Body Pilates for Complete Beginners

Pilates for a Sculpted Body with Brendali • 18m

Up Next in Pilates for a Sculpted Body with Brendali

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    The number of people who experience joint pain is increasing every year. Today, our pilates expert, Brandali, guides you through a quick 15 minutes beginners simple stretch for stiff joints and tight muscles. You can do these stretches anytime, anywhere! After doing so, you’ll walk away feeling m...

  • Pilates Plank Challenge for a Killer ...

    Today, our Pilates expert, Brandali, guides you through a quick 15-minutes intermediate to advanced Pilates plank workout designed to give you a killer core. Your core consists of your abdomen and back and this quick workout is sure to strengthen both. In fact, doing this workout will even streng...

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