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Up Next in Immerse in Your Senses: Peaceful Meditations for Relaxation

  • Portals for Consciousness

    There are certain techniques that are almost like portals - places where the mind can rest. Examples include Madhya - Ham Sah. 4 part breath. Sushumna/central channel breath. Dvadashanta-Three Energy Centers; Om Namah Shivaya… The names might get complicated, but the techniques are easier than yo...

  • Chakra Meditation

    The Chakra Meditation cleanses, activates, energizes and opens your seven major chakras and brings balance to the mind, body and soul. This meditation is recommended at sunrise and sunset, especially if you practice it on a daily basis.

  • Mountain Meditation

    Imagine a mountain - it goes through extreme conditions, changes in the weather… Yet it remains still… Inspiring us to do the same. This 20-minute meditation will help you deal with any “emotional storms” that you may be going through right now.