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Up Next in Immerse in Your Senses: Peaceful Meditations for Relaxation

  • Pranayama & Kriyas

    In this first class of the program, Punnu introduces Pranayama Techniques Kriyas. He gives an overview of the five kinds of breath; Praan, Apaan, Samaan, Udaan, and Vyaan. And he breaks down the four components of Pranayaam; Purak, Rechak, Antar Kumbhak, and Bahya Kumbhak.

  • Awareness is Meditating You

    What does true mindfulness look like? What emotions are associated with it? Can we stay mindful all the time? Think about your answers, and then become familiar with Vipassana meditation to see whether you were right!

  • The Subtle Energy Body

    Heart, the symbol of self-love, cultivating compassion and forgiveness. This Metta Meditation will teach you a new way of heart breath, so you can practice positive feelings with full intention.