Hot Shot
Harmony in Motion: Spiritual Yoga with Dan Ward
Have you got what it takes? Can you hold the line? Do you eat challenges for breakfast that would make most head for the hills? Can you take the HOT SHOT?
Up Next in Harmony in Motion: Spiritual Yoga with Dan Ward
Eka Pada K #1
A good chaturanga, a great twist, a bit of balance and you're there! Enjoy one of the most fun and oddly-satisfying yoga poses, Eka Pada Koundinyasana 1 in this short, but very rewarding practice.
Cross Check
Perhaps you've heard the cabin crews on a flight say the word “crosscheck”. This class is based around an exploration of concepts inspired by that word. Crosscheck to the other side, the place that is last to join the pose. Crosscheck diagonally to the farthest opposite edge… Bring that place to ...
Bharadvajasana Basics
The grandfather of seated twists, Bharadvajasana, may at first seem like a grumpy pose. But take care of the knee and warm up the quads, discover the modifications that are appropriate for you and take joy in approaching this exquisite twist. Fun and satisfaction from completing this class guaran...