Flowing Mindfully with Amy

Flowing Mindfully with Amy

There’s nothing like a good mindfulness Yoga session to start the day! This series of gentle Yoga videos will help you find your center, balance your energies, improve your flexibility and mobility, and manage your stress. Whether you do it in the morning, mid-day, or at night, it’ll relax your mind and body!

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Flowing Mindfully with Amy
  • Releasing the Weight of the Day

    Today Amy guides to release the weight of the day in just 25-minutes. If you hold tension in your back or shoulders or feel stressed after a long day and are ready to relax into your evening, this is the video for you! Enjoy!

  • Suns Up, Energy Up

    Today, Amy guides you through a quick a 20-minute workout designed to get your energy up for the day. If you don’t have a full hour to dedicate to your workout but still want a great workout, this is the video for you. Enjoy a day full of energy after doing this workout!

  • Gain The Good, Release The Bad

    This 40-minute workout is so incredible! Amy will take us through a yoga workout that will help energize, strengthen, and invigorate you! This is a great option for anyone - no matter what your level, because Amy will give cues and clues to help you master the positions. The best part is, it’s qu...

  • Relax & restore bedtime practice

    Today Amy shares a wonderful practice when you need to rest and restore. This 30-minute series is perfect right before bed when you are injured or are feeling tired. Get ready to relax and restore with this restorative series.

  • Twist out the toxins in this 45-minute flow

    You deserve 45-minutes to yourself and to remove toxins. Amy guides you to twist out toxins with this beautiful practice. Enjoy!

  • 40-minute energy boosting flow

    Ready to boost your energy? Join Amy for this energy boosting flow. In 40-minutes you will get a great yoga workout! Enjoy!

  • Find balance, strength, & an open heart in this 35-minute flow

    Today Amy guides you through a 35-minute flow. You will find balance, strength and will open your heart. Enjoy!

  • 25-minute salute to the sun: Namaskar A & B

    Today Amy guides you through a 25-minute intermediate flow. You will love the cardio while getting centered and calm. Enjoy!

  • 30-minute gentle flow full body stretch

    If you are seeking a gentle flow, this 30-minute practice is for you! Amy guides you through a full body flow. Enjoy!

  • 10-minute power core workout

    Limited on time but want a workout that will leave you feeling amazing? Then this 10-minute power core workout is for you! Enjoy!

  • 25-minute foundational flow

    If you want to start off your day or end your day with a wonderful 25-minutes yoga flow, this is your workout. Amy will guide you through your practice. Enjoy!

  • 5-minute glute and thigh yoga burn

    Have just 5 minutes but still want a yoga burn? This is a great quick glute and thigh workout. Enjoy as Amy guides you through this quick yet effective workout.

  • 15-minute shoulder stretch

    Short on time but still want to integrate yoga into your day? You'll love this 15-minute sholder stretch yoga sequence. Enjoy!

  • 30-minute core strengthening flow into crow

    Ready for an intermediate 30-minute flow? Then this is the workout for you. Amy guides you through this core strengthening series. Enjoy!

  • 20-minute hip release to let go of old Samskara

    Grab your yoga mat and join Amy for this 20-minute hip releasing workout. Samskara is physical or emotional energy that we hold in our hips. By doing this workout, you release what is no longer serving you. You will feel so light and free after this workout. Enjoy!

  • 20-minute heart opener to release the spine and let go of negativity

    Ready for a 20-minute heart opener series to release the spine and let go of negativity? Then this is the yoga sequence for you. Today, Amy guides you through these beautiful poses designed to release what is no longer serving you while opening up to what does.

  • 10-minute neck and upper back stretch for tension relief

    Grab your yoga mat for this much needed 10-minute yoga series. Most of us feel tension in our necks and upper backs from being on our phones or computers. This quick but effective sequence will relieve the tension in you neck and upper back and leave you feeling relaxed and less tense. Enjoy!

  • 15-minute sun salute to wake up and start the day

    Looking for a quick and energizing way to start your day? Then join Amy for this 15-minute sun salute to wake up and start the day. Enjoy!

  • 5 minute core workout for stability

    If you are short on time but want an effective workout, this is the video for you! In just 5-minutes Amy walks you through a quick core workout for stability! Enjoy!