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Releasing the Weight of the Day

Flowing Mindfully with Amy • 25m

Up Next in Flowing Mindfully with Amy

  • Suns Up, Energy Up

    Today, Amy guides you through a quick a 20-minute workout designed to get your energy up for the day. If you don’t have a full hour to dedicate to your workout but still want a great workout, this is the video for you. Enjoy a day full of energy after doing this workout!

  • Gain The Good, Release The Bad

    This 40-minute workout is so incredible! Amy will take us through a yoga workout that will help energize, strengthen, and invigorate you! This is a great option for anyone - no matter what your level, because Amy will give cues and clues to help you master the positions. The best part is, it’s qu...

  • Relax & restore bedtime practice

    Today Amy shares a wonderful practice when you need to rest and restore. This 30-minute series is perfect right before bed when you are injured or are feeling tired. Get ready to relax and restore with this restorative series.