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Protocols for PRP, Prolotherapy, Stem Cell Therapy in Regenerative Medicine

Achieving Longevity - The Secrets to Enhanced Healthspan • 10m

Up Next in Achieving Longevity - The Secrets to Enhanced Healthspan

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    Whether you’re a fan of spirituality or not… You can’t disagree about energy being real. Stress & trauma are just a few examples which can significantly impact your body and the aura of those around you. But our current medical model seems to forget about energy - points Dr. Lisa Saff Koche. How ...

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  • We Are What We Eat - 5 Food Recommend...

    “Your plate represents your future self."" We couldn’t agree more with Sachin Patel, our longevity expert at Zonia. And, if you take your future seriously, he should become your expert as well! Tune in as he reveals his top cuisine recommendations that can increase your lifespan! Hungry for a lif...