Your Brain - Protect Your Most Valuable Asset

Your Brain - Protect Your Most Valuable Asset

The human brain is a marvelously complex, intricately designed masterpiece comprised of nerves, tissue, blood vessels, and electrical signals that control everything in your body. But such a work of art can be so easily damaged if you don’t take care of it! In this show, you’ll learn about what is putting your brain at risk, what’s triggering its deterioration and decline, and how you can be proactive in protecting your brain health to stave off premature cognitive aging.

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Your Brain - Protect Your Most Valuable Asset
  • 4 Supplements to Boost Your 'Happy Hormone' Production

    Sometimes we may feel down and low on energy without any clear explanation. In many cases, all it takes is a bit of inflammation that suppresses serotonin production (a.k.a. your “happy hormone”). At one point in her life, Dr. Kelly McCann found out that her serotonin levels were close to zero, w...

  • Our Brain Becomes What We Eat!

    If you’d describe yourself as not passionate, but also not depressed… This might be the first sign to consider making changes in the diet. Over the last century, mental issues grew by 10x, mostly due to the lifestyle we lead… But did you know that food can have a high impact on intelligence, happ...

  • The Complete Diet & Lifestyle Protocol to Support Brain Health

    A car full of fuel allows you to go further, faster, and without any disturbances. And just like a vehicle, your brain needs adequate fuel as well. Especially when you want to prevent or even reverse cognitive decline. One of the best diets to achieve that effect might be the ketogenic diet, but ...

  • 3 Alternative Therapies for Boosting Brain Function

    The truth is, we will never feel completely sharp before eliminating the toxins from the body. However, there are a few upcoming therapies that can quickly “refresh” the brain while we work on detoxification. In this episode, Dr. Yvonne Karney shares the ultimate “fertilizer” for brain cells, and...

  • Treatment Modalities For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    An extremely fatigued person may resemble a zombie with how little energy they have… Now, in horror movies being a zombie is incurable, but in real life, it’s actually achievable. But because everyone has a different reason for being tired, it’s not so easy to give a one-size-fits-all answer to b...

  • Headaches - Types & Causes

    Regular migraines can truly become a “headache,” blocking you from achieving your goals. But as soon as you understand the different types & causes of headaches, it’s possible to minimize their frequency in day to day life. We’ve decided to dive deep into this topic, doing a full expert interview...

  • Effects Of Long-Term Exposure To Environmental Toxins & Ways to Avoid Them

    The search for longevity continues all thanks to our brains, who are literally genius. But longevity needs to go hand in hand with something else: A fulfilling life. Otherwise, we just end up with miserable last few years. Tune in as we share 3 of the most powerful (and also easiest) ways to prot...

  • Neuroplasticity - Nerves That Fire Together Move Together

    No parent wants to hear these words…“Your son’s brain is missing!” And they aren’t referring to intelligence, but an actual result of a serious injury. For many years, the medical world has believed that after adolescence, we can’t develop our brain anymore, nor produce new cells. But this Health...

  • Cutting Edge Research In Plant Medicine For Cognitive Decline

    You’d be shocked how heavily scientists are researching psychedelics in the current days! These controversial substances turn out to be way more than just a hippie festival accessory. Psilocybin, found in mushrooms, can be a useful tool for lowering death anxiety, as well as healing trauma... But...

  • 3 Vital Supplements To Ensure Optimal Brain Health

    Few seem to understand the importance of fueling the brain with the right supplements. And even less know about the brain-heart connection, which is especially important in the later stages of life. Fortunately for you, Dr. Kat Toups knows all about these two organs, and she has the exact recipe ...

  • 4 Steps To Heal The Brain From Headaches

    Migraines may seem like a never-ending curse. What’s worse, not much seems to help with the issue…If you’re desperate to minimize your headaches at any cost, hold on for a second…We have something that might help, and it’s not a pill! It’s this, few-minute Health Bite with Dr. Amelia Barrett, whe...

  • 3 Main Causes of Brain Fog

    If you or your close one have been dealing with mysterious neurological symptoms, then you know how hard it is to “decode them”. The truth is that brain fog, anxiety, headaches, or other brain-related problems have many possible root causes. But there’s one weird root cause that often gets dismis...

  • How Comparison & Unrealistic Expectations Harm Our Mental Health

    It’s hard to deny that social media has drastically changed our lives. But we rarely discuss its negative impact on mental health. It may not seem like a serious problem to the older generation, but young people are often under a lot of pressure online: The constant stress of performance, being s...

  • Effects of Inflammation on the Brain & Simple Way to Reduce it

    Are you experiencing any of these on a regular basis? Brain fog, mood swings, depression? These can all be signals of an ongoing brain inflammation, which causes your brain to literally ‘get eaten’. On top of that, the listed symptoms are also very common for people with autoimmunity, who need to...

  • How to Approach Management of Fibromyalgia

    When you’re chronically fatigued and in pain, it seems impossible to reverse it. Just the thought of the first step is already exhausting. But truthfully - you can ‘demolish’ fatigue with ease…In this Health Bite, Dr. Yvonne Karney will lay out a clear blueprint on how to start building the energ...

  • How Does Your Oral Health Affect Your Brain Health?

    Oral health has been preached to us since childhood… Back then, we didn’t fully understand why, so here’s an important fact. The bacteria found in our mouth can also be found in our brain, potentially leading to serious diseases, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. On top of that, fluoride isn’t as...

  • 3 Ayurvedic Herbs to Support Brain Health

    It’s crazy to think that there are herbs as old as the hills, and we still leave them on the side. Some 5000+ year old ingredients not only upgrade your meals, but also have the power to enhance cognitive function. Whether you’re struggling with gut issues, brain fog, or just looking for more fla...

  • 4 Important Constituents of Food for Brain Health

    What should be on your menu, if you want to fuel your brain with steady energy and pure power? More importantly - which foods eliminate brain fog, and allow you to achieve laser focus? There are 4 things you should eat everyday, and you’ll most likely notice their benefits from day 1. Allow Dr. I...

  • 3 Practical Ways to Promote Brain Cell Regeneration

    Medicine used to believe that there’s nothing we can do to grow new brain cells. But we now know that this is not true… Which is great news to those experiencing problems with memory and foggy mind! What’s even more impressive is that the techniques allowing you to form new connections in your br...

  • 4 Effective Supplements for Brain Health

    Do you feel like your brain could use an extra bit of ‘fuel’? The four supplements we’re about to list might be just what you’re after… They can help your brain deal with trauma, toxic overload, and sleep deprivation. Plus, if you’ve ever been exposed to molds, our recommendations will become a l...

  • Self Regulation - The Correct Way to Do Trauma Therapy

    An overwhelming majority of patients feel lost when going to therapy. Which, according to Dr. Aimie Apigian, has a very simple cause. People shouldn’t rush to therapy, as it will only make things worse, and increase their trauma! Instead, there are a few crucial steps they need to take first! In ...

  • Reversal of Memory Loss: The First Step

    Do you have trouble memorizing simple things at times? If you’re starting to notice the problem yourself, then it’s surely noticeable by others. What’s worse is that most doctors will pat you on the back and say it’s normal… But Dr. Kat Toups is opposed to that, and she’ll tell you when you shoul...

  • Alzheimer's Is Not A Death Sentence! (Proven Tips for Brain Support)

    Here’s what you didn’t know about your very own brain: It’s fat & plastic. And trust us - this is not an insult… Both of these traits are actually miraculous, and mean that stopping or reversing cognitive decline is possible. You can see how it’s done, and learn more about the fascinating propert...

  • Physical Activities to Boost Brain Health

    There are hundreds of exercises for each part of the body, but have you ever tried exercising your brain? No, we’re not talking about reading books. If not, Dr. Tom Moorcroft will become your personal trainer in this Health Bite. Join us, to discover your new brain workout routine.