Your Brain - Protect Your Most Valuable Asset

Your Brain - Protect Your Most Valuable Asset

The human brain is a marvelously complex, intricately designed masterpiece comprised of nerves, tissue, blood vessels, and electrical signals that control everything in your body. But such a work of art can be so easily damaged if you don’t take care of it! In this show, you’ll learn about what is putting your brain at risk, what’s triggering its deterioration and decline, and how you can be proactive in protecting your brain health to stave off premature cognitive aging.

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Your Brain - Protect Your Most Valuable Asset
  • How Comparison & Unrealistic Expectations Harm Our Mental Health

    It’s hard to deny that social media has drastically changed our lives. But we rarely discuss its negative impact on mental health. It may not seem like a serious problem to the older generation, but young people are often under a lot of pressure online: The constant stress of performance, being s...

  • Effects of Inflammation on the Brain & Simple Way to Reduce it

    Are you experiencing any of these on a regular basis? Brain fog, mood swings, depression? These can all be signals of an ongoing brain inflammation, which causes your brain to literally ‘get eaten’. On top of that, the listed symptoms are also very common for people with autoimmunity, who need to...

  • How to Approach Management of Fibromyalgia

    When you’re chronically fatigued and in pain, it seems impossible to reverse it. Just the thought of the first step is already exhausting. But truthfully - you can ‘demolish’ fatigue with ease…In this Health Bite, Dr. Yvonne Karney will lay out a clear blueprint on how to start building the energ...

  • How Does Your Oral Health Affect Your Brain Health?

    Oral health has been preached to us since childhood… Back then, we didn’t fully understand why, so here’s an important fact. The bacteria found in our mouth can also be found in our brain, potentially leading to serious diseases, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. On top of that, fluoride isn’t as...

  • 3 Ayurvedic Herbs to Support Brain Health

    It’s crazy to think that there are herbs as old as the hills, and we still leave them on the side. Some 5000+ year old ingredients not only upgrade your meals, but also have the power to enhance cognitive function. Whether you’re struggling with gut issues, brain fog, or just looking for more fla...

  • 4 Important Constituents of Food for Brain Health

    What should be on your menu, if you want to fuel your brain with steady energy and pure power? More importantly - which foods eliminate brain fog, and allow you to achieve laser focus? There are 4 things you should eat everyday, and you’ll most likely notice their benefits from day 1. Allow Dr. I...

  • 3 Practical Ways to Promote Brain Cell Regeneration

    Medicine used to believe that there’s nothing we can do to grow new brain cells. But we now know that this is not true… Which is great news to those experiencing problems with memory and foggy mind! What’s even more impressive is that the techniques allowing you to form new connections in your br...

  • 4 Effective Supplements for Brain Health

    Do you feel like your brain could use an extra bit of ‘fuel’? The four supplements we’re about to list might be just what you’re after… They can help your brain deal with trauma, toxic overload, and sleep deprivation. Plus, if you’ve ever been exposed to molds, our recommendations will become a l...

  • Self Regulation - The Correct Way to Do Trauma Therapy

    An overwhelming majority of patients feel lost when going to therapy. Which, according to Dr. Aimie Apigian, has a very simple cause. People shouldn’t rush to therapy, as it will only make things worse, and increase their trauma! Instead, there are a few crucial steps they need to take first! In ...

  • Reversal of Memory Loss: The First Step

    Do you have trouble memorizing simple things at times? If you’re starting to notice the problem yourself, then it’s surely noticeable by others. What’s worse is that most doctors will pat you on the back and say it’s normal… But Dr. Kat Toups is opposed to that, and she’ll tell you when you shoul...

  • Alzheimer's Is Not A Death Sentence! (Proven Tips for Brain Support)

    Here’s what you didn’t know about your very own brain: It’s fat & plastic. And trust us - this is not an insult… Both of these traits are actually miraculous, and mean that stopping or reversing cognitive decline is possible. You can see how it’s done, and learn more about the fascinating propert...

  • Physical Activities to Boost Brain Health

    There are hundreds of exercises for each part of the body, but have you ever tried exercising your brain? No, we’re not talking about reading books. If not, Dr. Tom Moorcroft will become your personal trainer in this Health Bite. Join us, to discover your new brain workout routine.

  • The Biggest Myth about Cognitive Decline - Busted

    In a sense, your brain is like crops… If it’s not growing, it’s shriveling… But if you want to keep developing + avoid cognitive decline, you have plenty of actions to take and keep growing. This Health Bite debunks the myth of mandatory decline, and shows you how to keep challenging yourself in ...

  • Neuroplasticity - An Effective Tool Against Cognitive Rigidity and Depression

    You’re about to find out how our brain can be exercised like a muscle so that it grows stronger and more capable (plus why it’s crucial for mental health!). Long story short, each decision we make alters the brain, leading to significant changes, long term. How does that matter for depressed pati...

  • Benefits of Community Setting & Inspiring Patient Stories of Dementia Reversal

    The side effects of a happy life include eliminating diabetes and depression, lowering your blood pressure, and more. What’s the secret? In this Health Bite, Dr. Heather Sandison reveals how she helps patients with Dementia and the ‘lost cause’ of her first patient ever. Tune in to learn more.

  • Simple Ways to Boost Brain Health

    Learning how to grow your brain won’t necessarily make you more intelligent…but you'll need it in order to stay sharp and efficient throughout your life. It turns out that we produce growth hormones at some point during sleep. Does sleep length matter? Can you sleep in a wrong way? Expert, Dr. Ch...

  • The Key Pathways for Brain Health

    Managing depression on your own can be challenging, or even impossible. However, there are many competent experts who can help you improve your mental fortitude. One of them is Dr. Austin Perlmutter, who reveals why depression and brain health are closely linked together. He lists some controvers...

  • Practical Steps to Prevent or Reverse Dementia

    According to Dr. Heather Sandison, we know enough to prevent and even reverse Dementia. However, it’s challenging, and most patients don’t have the guts to turn their life around. Since it’s a matter of willpower, taking small steps can make the process seem more realistic. If you wish to know mo...

  • Iron - The Least Talked About Mineral For Brain Health

    We’ve all had enough ads telling us to supplement iron. Hearing it over and over again is annoying so, in this Health Bite, Dr. Cheng Ruan, finally reveals whether iron is important or not. Well - it’s super important! Especially in avoiding mental & cognitive problems (such as Dementia). But mos...

  • How Headaches Affect Your Physical Brain Matter

    When your migraines intensify, and there’s nothing in the world that could help you… And this happens multiple times a week… That’s when things get scary! Ever wondered why you become less responsive to meds while becoming more susceptible to headaches? Dr. Amelia Barrett knows the reasons for th...

  • What Really Causes Emotional Trauma?

    It’s hard for a grown adult to think of a reason why their infant may experience traumatic events. The baby can’t even speak or walk yet, but is able to go through trauma, impacting its whole future life? Turns out that the human body has been designed this way, and common parenting practices onl...

  • Inspiring Story Of Beating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    The unique story of Dr. Jenny Tufenkian sounds like an action-packed movie...Living life as a superwoman...Being rushed to the hospital and almost dying...Becoming a depressed shell of a woman...Experiencing hypnosis ...Deciding to save other peoples’ lives! You may think that it took her whole l...

  • Importance of Dental Health in Brain Health

    The mouth is like a door to our body. We need to be careful of what goes through it, otherwise, we will end up with dental problems. Oral health impacts overall health in almost all aspects (even sleep), and can be a catalyst for immune disorders. Dr. Heather Sandison advocates for letting other ...

  • Using Stem Cell Therapy to Heal The Brain

    Usually, twins start to drift apart more as they age - looks, character, life goals. But the twins that Dr. Sabrina Solt met a few years ago still had one thing in common.They both started experiencing dementia, and as all twins do - they drifted apart and took different approaches. The result? V...