Gentle Warrior
Yoga Warriors: Breaking Boundaries with Rudy Mettia
1h 0m
A delicious treat after all the other classes, or after a long day of work. This is a yin-based class that holds each pose for several minutes - which allows you to access the body’s natural fountain of youth… It will help your body age gracefully through suppleness in the connective tissue. You may find your limits challenged more in this class than in any other. Only push your muscles as far as feels comfortable – if you feel any pain, it’s time to take a step back.
Up Next in Yoga Warriors: Breaking Boundaries with Rudy Mettia
Freed Warrior
The hips are notorious for holding and hindering all the body’s pent up energy. Well, it’s time to finally free those hips. In this class, we will focus on opening up the hip joints, feeling the power of mobility, and aligning the body in its most natural positions. The “Happy Baby” pose might fe...
Coiled Warrior
Also known as the “rotation nation”, this is a twisting class. Twisting detoxifies the body as it wrings out all the unwanted stuff that builds up over the natural course of even just one day. As Rudy says, “too much twisting makes you twisted.” Even a small hint of twist is therapeutic and will ...
Progressive Side Angle
In this flow class we use Parsvakonasana (extended side angle) as our blueprint pose. This twisting pose is cleansing to the body and also a great stress reducer, and we will explore it in its numerous variations. See them all and make sure to pick your favorite!