Intermediate Balance Flow
A to Z Yoga Journey with Vytas Baskauska
1h 3m
The Intermediate Balanced class covers all bases, and is a great “go- to” class to cure what ails you. It is just the right amount of challenge without being too strong. The class begins with Reclining Bound Angle Pose, which is great for lower back pain alleviation. Next, we’ll move into leg lifts and other core work with consistent rhythm to cultivate stamina and focus. As always, the alignment of each pose from head to toe is made clear and a priority even when in constant flow. Twisting, standing balancing poses, backbends, and inversions are incorporated in this class making it a great practice to come back to time and time again!
Up Next in A to Z Yoga Journey with Vytas Baskauska
Meditation for Beginners
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Odd Transitions
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Not So HardCore
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