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Up Next in Reset & Rebuild: Power Yoga with Anna Orbison

  • Evening Hip Openers

    After a long day at work, nothing feels better than opening your hips and releasing stress in your low back. This is a relatively gentle class where we deeply stretch our hips and set ourselves up for a great night's sleep. Much recommended for anyone who’s fed up with the side effects of their s...

  • Heart Opening

    This flow class will be all about finding an openness in your heart throughout a strong flow. We will move, sweat, bend, and extend all the while keeping our hearts lifted and happy. If you like a mindful but strong practice, this is the class for you.

  • Joy and Playfulness

    Had a bad, tiring day? If you feel like you’re overwhelmed with stress, and you can’t seem to get your mind clear - this class will be the right answer. During this practice, you’ll flow, move, work up a sweat, and most importantly… Have fun!