3 Keys to Unlock Longevity
Achieving Longevity - The Secrets to Enhanced Healthspan
If you dream of having a long, fulfilling life, full of beautiful moments… You can’t miss this content! Sachin Patel, who focuses on improving people’s longevity, is about to tell you how to: reduce inflammation while literally doing nothing, increase your energy and mood for free, and thus improve your lifespan prediction! Yes, this sounds surreal but you will be even more shocked after you find out that these aren’t false claims! Be sure to watch this Health Bite if you’re skeptical, only on Zonia!
Up Next in Achieving Longevity - The Secrets to Enhanced Healthspan
Supplements & Fasting Protocols for A...
The acceleration of aging causes high blood pressure, increased fat storage, and insulin resistance. And as James LaValle mentions, stress is the biggest contributor to aging. Perhaps that’s why our ancestors praised herbs and natural adaptogens. But today, we’ve got even better ways to counter a...
AMPK & mTOR - Cellular Energy Generat...
Our experts often preach the importance of fasting, exercise, and so on. But what most people get wrong, is that those things do not need to be hardcore. In order to trigger a cleanup process called autophagy, you don’t have to be a monk living on air and lifting rocks in the cold. We’ve invited ...
Stress - One Of The Biggest Influence...
In this Health Bite, Laura Frontiero almost tears up, as she recalls her beloved grandmother. And while her speech becomes very emotional, there’s also one absolutely logical takeaway, her grandma would have made it past 100, if it wasn’t for one single health factor. Tune in as we reveal the num...