How to Overcome Setbacks and Failures in Life
Upward Bound with Colin Kim
7m 58s
Setbacks and failures are unfortunately part of life for us at one time or another. Colin is here today to talk to us and teach us about overcoming these challenging times and learning from what the universe is trying to teach us! He’ll also give us a mantra to use for immediate help and relief during trying times. If you’re feeling difficulty or failure at this time, we hope you’ll spend 8 minutes with Colin today and we hope he can help you change your perception and grow through the hard times.
Up Next in Upward Bound with Colin Kim
Why We Break Our Commitments and How ...
Staying committed and motivated to pursue and achieve your goals is usually a challenge! We are so happy to introduce today the newest addition to the Go Healthy family of experts – motivational speaker and yoga enthusiast Colin Kim. His first video focuses on commitments – why we make commitment...