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Hello Happiness!! Bye Bye Morning Irritability

Upward Bound with Colin Kim • 6m 9s

Up Next in Upward Bound with Colin Kim

  • Resolving Resentment, Three Easy Steps

    Resentment can deteriorate relationships. By resolving resentment you’ll increase the quality of your life as well as the connection with those in your life. Today Colin discusses how to resolve resentment in three easy steps. This quick 7-minute video has the power to transform your life. Tune i...

  • Managing Stress: 'The Way Out is Thro...

    Today Colin discusses the ins and out of managing stress. He reveals how the way out of stress is through it. Colin helps you to accept the truth that stress is trying to uncover. Stress is a part of living on this plant. It is a natural part of life. Yet, many of us feel we can’t manage stress. ...

  • How To Stop Yourself From Spiraling O...

    Do you ever feel like you are spiraling out of control? As we start to evolve and become more open to healing ourselves emotionally, it is common to get triggered. Today, Colin will show you how to break patterns that are keeping you from experiencing more self-love and peace. By learning and app...