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Hot Summer Body HIIT Full Body Workout

Tone Up, Lean Out with Amy • 24m

Up Next in Tone Up, Lean Out with Amy

  • Dancer legs: sculpt long, lean legs w...

    10 Minutes is all you need to sculpt long, lean legs! Using movements inspired by dancers, Amy will lead you through several exercises that target the legs, and both strengthen and elongate. Your legs are your body’s largest muscle group, building leg muscle has been scientifically shown to help ...

  • Love your lean legs lower body circuit

    Are you short on time but still want to get a great workout in? Then Amy’s Lower Body workout is perfect for you! Amy will take you through 6 exercises in under 10 minutes for a great lower body burn. If time allows- you can do multiple rounds of this circuit. If not, you’ll still get a nice burn...

  • Flat Belly in Less Than Ten Minutes

    Don’t have time for a lengthy workout but still want to tone up your abs muscles? Amy has the solution for you today with her ‘Flat Belly’ workout session for 10 minutes. You won’t have an excuse to do this one today!