Optimal Gut Health - Unrooting All Diseases

Optimal Gut Health - Unrooting All Diseases

Despite the staggering prevalence of obesity and diabetes, the root causes of weight problems are often misunderstood. We will explore the latest research and expert opinions to understand the real causes of obesity and diabetes and then equip you with actionable advice on how to combat them. Join us for an informative journey that will dive into a large range of topics from processed foods and high insulin levels to metabolism and fat burning.

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Optimal Gut Health - Unrooting All Diseases
  • Effects of Modern Living On Our Gut Microbiome

    “We’ve divorced ourselves from nature.” Says Kiran Krishnan. And what does he mean? The world we’ve designed for convenience…and actually works against us: WE LIVE, BREATHE, AND DIGEST against our own favor. If we wanted to list all of the harmful things, we would have to write a book. But someho...

  • Effects of a Dysfunctional Mouth

    As Kiran Krishnan puts it: "The mouth is the driver of our system." And he’s quite accurate. But for some reason, 94% of Americans end up with some degree of gum disease. All because of simple mistakes in HOUSEHOLD + ORAL HYGIENE. Here’s how to become the 6%: learn what daily routine to avoid in ...

  • Importance of Hydrogen For Our Health

    Gut health. You probably know the struggle if things stop working properly. Disrupted gut processes lead to stress -> inflammation -> disease. And it can seem almost impossible to reclaim proper functions of your body. Luckily, there is a compound capable of restoring harmony in the gut. However,...

  • Fiber for Gut Health: What You Need to Know

    Struggling with gut health? Listen carefully! Your body will overcome digestion problems if you follow these 3 pillars of proper digestion. Sounds too broad? Dr. Alan McDaniel dives deeper into each pillar in this health bite of our show ‘Optimal Gut Health’ and still keeps it simple and easy to ...

  • Effect of Your Gut on Physical & Mental Health

    Do you know that most people mistakenly believe that the gut only carries out digestion? You may be surprised to learn that your gut has an impact on multiple aspects of your health, including your hormones and immunity. In this health bite Dr. Wendie Trubow explains how this super organ is at th...