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Generating Positivity into Your Life

Guided Meditation Audio Sessions with Francoise • 26m

Up Next in Guided Meditation Audio Sessions with Francoise

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    In less than 10-minutes Francoise guides you through a productivity meditation. If you want to mindfully and fully get the most out of your work day, this is the meditation for you!

  • Choose To Look on The Bright Side Of ...

    In this quick 10-minute guided meditation, Francoise shares how you can choose to look at the bright side of life. By learning this life-changing practice, life gets better and better. If you want to learn how to stay positive, this is the meditation for you.

  • Assert Your Way To a More Confident You

    In just 10-minutes, Francoise guides you through you an uplifting guided meditation. You'll walk away more in tune with yourself, your body and how to assert yourself to a more confident you.