Your Brain - Protect Your Most Valuable Asset

Your Brain - Protect Your Most Valuable Asset

The human brain is a marvelously complex, intricately designed masterpiece comprised of nerves, tissue, blood vessels, and electrical signals that control everything in your body. But such a work of art can be so easily damaged if you don’t take care of it! In this show, you’ll learn about what is putting your brain at risk, what’s triggering its deterioration and decline, and how you can be proactive in protecting your brain health to stave off premature cognitive aging.

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Your Brain - Protect Your Most Valuable Asset
  • 3 Practical Tips to Calm Stress Fires Reactivate Your Prefrontal Cortex Function

    Welcome to your Happiness Manifestation Guide :) Not every day is a sunny day… But that doesn’t mean that you can’t force your brain to release feel-good chemicals! Stressed? Anxious? Stop giving in right now! We have 3 quick techniques to open you up and create the right emotions, so you can get...

  • Neuroplasticity in Action - Healing From Severe Brain Trauma

    The true abilities of the human body are shown during tough times. This was the exact case for Dr. Irene Cop’s son, who nearly died in a tragic car crash. Not being able to walk or talk, his prognosis was rather unoptimistic: The doctors said that he was missing almost half of his left brain side...

  • Is there Really No Cause of Fibromyalgia?

    Exhausted and in constant pain? Being chronically fatigued is one thing. But having constant pain on top of that is another. Unfortunately, the first often leads to the second, and it’s considered as a mystery disease. Called fibromyalgia, it’s a combination of exhaustion and continuous pain - an...

  • Can Emotional Trauma Age You Faster?

    This is probably the least mentioned effect of stress and emotions… They accumulate over time, creating a whirlwind of trauma, which is really hard to calm down! Many people don’t realize the role of constant stress in aging! Therefore, we’ve invited Dr. Aimie Apigian to ask her ‘Can Emotional Tr...

  • Causes & Effects of Inflammation in The Brain

    Issues such as dementia, mood disorders, and brain fog often stem from inflammation. How do we know that? We often experience weird pain somewhere in the body, even though we didn’t hurt ourselves. It’s also very common to have an old brain injury suddenly start showing signals again, which many ...

  • Self-Care for better Hormones and Brain Health

    Can you guess the most common issues of today’s woman? These problems are certainly different from the ones shown in a TV rom-com. We’ve invited Dr. Afrouz Demeri to speak on the real struggles of the modern lady. What’s funny and scary at the same time, is that her grandma would have no clue abo...

  • What is Somatic Therapy and How it Can help Address Unresolved Trauma

    If you look at your daily habits, there’s a good chance that a great portion of them is just a distraction. We’d rather do anything to not sit in silence and listen to the internal voices of our bodies… Here’s what’s wrong with occupying your mind with cheap dopamine + never just allowing your bo...

  • Dr. Perlmutter's Perspective on Depression

    We have so much knowledge and data about staying healthy and preventing diseases…Yet most people struggle either physically, mentally or both! This was the case for Dr. Austin Perlmutter, who was about to become a doctor, yet couldn’t deal with his own mood swings and low energy levels. We’ve inv...

  • Biology of Trauma - Physical Manifestations of Trauma Response

    We encounter stress on a daily basis, but some of us can’t deal with it so well… If you’re on the overstressed side, you need to see this: The daily stress can lead to overwhelming amounts of anxiety, all the way to trauma. And, as Dr. Aimie Apigian explains, it’s a lot of hassle to completely he...

  • Peptide Therapy For Brain Health

    It’s quite common for doctors to experience PTSD, as they often ‘fight’ for the health of their patients. Such fights can be dreadful and exhausting, leading to serious trauma and even brain dysfunction. But thanks to Dr. Matt Cook and his groundbreaking advice, many of his colleagues have been a...

  • Psychedelics - Age-Old Magic Molecules Against Depression

    There are a lot of controversies when it comes to antidepressants, especially if they’re not your “traditional ones.” The issue with standard antidepressants is the number of side effects, combined with treatment-resistant cases, meaning that some patients cannot achieve remission. Meanwhile, nic...

  • 3 Simple Steps To Reduce Inflammation In The Brain

    If you want to keep your brain in great health and keep neurodegenerative diseases away, we’ve got something special for you! We’ve asked Dr. Kevin Conners for practical advice that anyone can use to repair their brain. By following his advice, you will: reduce brain inflammation, avoid harmful t...

  • The Right Approach Towards Complex Brain Health

    Conventional medicine loves to oversimplify, but our brains hate that. During her work with patients, Dr. Heather Sandison realized that we need to throw generalization out the door. The brain might be twisted and complex, and conventional medicine too simple, but Sandison’s words are just right ...

  • Toxins & Brain Health - Effects, Types & Sources

    You hear our doctors talk about toxins all the time…But in all honesty, they’re only broadly touching the topic. If we wanted to explain toxins fully, a separate platform would be needed. To our surprise, Dr. Heather Sandison simplified the whole concept of toxin types into a 6-minute segment. Ac...

  • How The Lymphatic System Helps to Keep the Brain Healthy

    Today we’ve interviewed Dr. Tom Moorcroft, who claims that our brains can clean themselves up. That leaves plenty of space for some great brainwashing jokes. But besides that, this precise detox system is able to keep us away from neurodegenerative diseases and extend our lives. How does this bra...

  • Dementia: Can It Be Reversed?

    The public doesn’t view Dementia as it should be seen - simply, a memory loss. So, is there any proven way to fight back and reverse it? According to Dr. Cheng Ruan, “it’s more than doable.” What about all the naysayers? In this health bite we debunk the myth that "the brain can’t improve once af...

  • The Fascinating Gut-Brain Connection & Supplements For Brain Health

    Remember the classic tale of the lovers who wanted to see each other so bad, but there were constant obstacles along the way? The same happens to the brain and gut. They want to communicate all the time, but the disruptive food toxins don’t let them… The couple ended up committing suicide and you...

  • Thoughts, Things & Injuries - Causes of Brain Damage

    According to Dr. Cheng Ruan, relationships are vital to keeping your brain well-maintained. In fact, he highly suggests taking care of them, since other environmental factors are quite out of our control. Dr. Ruan also suggests we should stop seeing Dementia as a disease. But what is it then? Onl...

  • The Effects of Environmental Toxins & Food Sensitivities on Kids' Brain Health

    Did you know that diet and the environment affect the brain health of children? Research says toxins and food sensitivities have a direct negative impact on children's behavior and mental health. The effect may be so drastic that it may seem that your kid changed overnight. Watch Dr. Jaquel Patte...

  • The Importance of Detoxification for Autism

    „A story that makes you cry.” Dr. Christopher Shade recalls how an autistic boy went from anxiety to wanting to play with other children. The child suddenly started remembering things, which he never did before. „I don’t know if this is good.” That’s how surprised the mother was… The secret to hi...

  • Preventative Measures Against Cognitive Decline

    Are you worried about your brain health and mental capacity as you age? Would you like to know some simple ways to prevent cognitive decline? Tune into the latest health bite where Dr. Jaquel Patterson outlines some 'Preventative Measures Against Cognitive Decline' and tells more about how to tak...

  • Infectious Diseases & Alzheimer's

    Alzheimer's disease is associated with mental health but did you know that infections play an important role in Alzheimer's development? There are many infectious diseases, such as Lyme disease and Herpes, that can lead to the development of Alzheimer's. Dr. Jaquel Patterson elaborates on the mec...