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Up Next in Immerse in Your Senses: Peaceful Meditations for Relaxation

  • Mountain Meditation

    Imagine a mountain - it goes through extreme conditions, changes in the weather… Yet it remains still… Inspiring us to do the same. This 20-minute meditation will help you deal with any “emotional storms” that you may be going through right now.

  • Elements & Senses Meditation

    You’ve probably heard about the 5 senses… But did you know that they weave amongst our five different senses? This 20-minute meditation will connect you to feeling, hearing, seeing, tasting and smelling on a different level!

  • Tantric Breath Practices

    Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of work with the subtle energy body… These breathing techniques will be a perfect wrap up to a long day, or a great beginning to a new morning. Shushumna/Central channel; dvadashanta breath to energy energy centers; A-U-M sound breath with mudras are here to make ...