Understanding Autoimmune Diseases & Faulty Immunity

Understanding Autoimmune Diseases & Faulty Immunity

Autoimmune diseases are the result of incorrect “wiring” in your body that tells it to attack not only invaders, but also healthy tissue. What you need is a hard reboot, a way to reset your immune system on a cellular level. Discover the incredibly simple solutions to restoring healthy immune function starting today!

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Understanding Autoimmune Diseases & Faulty Immunity
  • Dr. Betsy's Functional Medicine Approach to Healing Autoimmune Conditions

    Autoimmunity is a burden not just because of the symptoms, but also because the testing is so vague. Testing your blood, antinuclear antibodies, or inflammatory markers can show that you’re generally prone to autoimmune conditions… But leaves you with even more questions and very few precise answ...

  • Extensive Lab Testing for Autoimmune Conditions

    If you’re struggling with autoimmune issues, your stool and urine can hold many answers that you’re looking for. There are many tests based on these two things, and you should definitely consider them as the core of your screening regime. But that’s not all… If you’re looking to test for a specif...

  • Beyond Pharmaceutical - Using Epigenetic Regulation to Treat Autoimmune Diseases

    You’ve probably heard about the importance of ‘a healthy diet’ endlessly. But what if we could actually pick specific foods that we know impact a particular immune response? Wouldn’t that solve most of our autoimmune problems? This is the question which completely occupies Dr. Austin Perlmutter’s...

  • Understanding the Root Causes & Prevalence of Autoimmune Diseases

    Almost 1 Billion people worldwide may be suffering from autoimmune diseases. And according to Dr. Austin Perlmutter - it’s not about the fact that we have more people in the world… It’s about the one major root cause that’s at an all-time-high. When this root cause gets to your gut, it’s almost ‘...

  • Patient Story of Continuous Emotional Healing

    The skin is a mirror…And we don’t mean it in a shiny/fragile context. It means that the skin is a visual representation of your mind. That was the case for Dr. Keesha Ewers’ patient, who would cover herself up from head to toe. During this episode, we share the secret of your skin + how this pati...

  • Symptoms Of Allergy

    The struggle of a ""highly allergic"" person remains unmatched. Itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, teary eyes; sound familiar? Dr. Diego Saporta states that these classical symptoms can lead to more complicated conditions that you can either pray they go away on their own or take necessary precaut...

  • Inspiring Personal Story of Recovery From Persistent Infections

    To make things easier, the medical system has to label us in one way or another.... Which often leads to frustration and mere results of healing. In the worst case, we are labeled as someone we’re not…This exact scenario happened to Dr. Tom Moorcroft as he was told he has a bunch of conditions, b...

  • How Not to Self Sabotage Your Path to Healing

    “You have to convince your mind that you’ll be fine;" a cliche that is so over-repeated, yet so true! Sometimes the banal tricks are your best bet, but blindly copying them won’t bring any serious results. Become a master of affirmations by watching this Health Bite as Dr. Tom Moorcroft tells us ...

  • Dr. Ewers' Story of Beating Autoimmunity Through Emotional Healing & Yoga

    Conventional medicine likes to separate the mental and physical… But Dr. Keesha Ewers came to the opposite conclusion very early on in her life, when she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 30. And what helped her, wasn’t the meds that were supposed to be the only remedy availab...

  • How Our Immune System Fails Us in 4 Ways

    Knowing your allies is crucial in every aspect of life. Imagine if every football player was running around in a different jersey. It wouldn’t be a match, it would be a mess! And that’s exactly what happens in your immune system as well. Dr. Ty Vincent explains the difference between foes and fri...

  • Dr. Gallagher's Personal Story of Sickness to Naturopath

    Before Dr. Melissa Gallagher had the title, she was severely sick and there was no pill for her to take. What’s worse, she was only 22 at that point! Her doctor? Advised her to take some rest to see what happens, and we’re glad she didn’t listen. Today, Dr. Gallagher is the one giving medical adv...

  • Novel Allergen Immunotherapy

    Traditionally, your doctor simply prescribes you medication, and voilà! But that’s too basic for Dr. Diego Saporta. He claims to use the oldest technique known to modern medicine... Is it some kind of ancient, long-forgotten spell? That’d be pretty cool…Tune in to this episode as Dr. Saporta expl...

  • The Detrimental Effect of Environmental Factors on Our Health

    In today’s Western world, autoimmunity, and other chronic diseases like cancer, is on the increase, and things will probably only get worse. Ironically, most cases are caused by things we could change ourselves. So what’s the reason for this epidemic? It might be the air we breathe, the food we e...

  • Mold Allergy - Testing & Management

    "The victims of mold." Supposedly, this nickname is given to people highly exposed to mold... (At least that’s what Dr. Diego Saporta told us…) But, with such an alias comes significant lifestyle changes. The victim has to move/change jobs/do whatever it takes to free themselves from a heavy mold...

  • Immunotherapy for Allergy & Autoimmune Diseases

    A new immunotherapy seems promising however, It may not be suitable for everybody… This specific type of therapy can help you address your health problems. According to Dr. William Ingram, patients with conditions like allergies, autoimmunity, and even Lymes disease can see great improvement. Exp...

  • Low Dose Allergen Immunotherapy for Autoimmune Conditions

    Now tested on over 10,000 patients, this therapy promises major results in treating many autoimmune diseases. Dr. Welman Shrader, who’s been performing it since 1991, says it’s effective in curing a wide range of conditions including Asthma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Allergies, Colitis. The best part...

  • Types Of Allergies

    Is the food of our food any good? Considering how many people cannot tolerate simple things such as milk. Should we blame the cows for their menu choices? Or maybe ourselves, since we’re the ones serving them all those tasty pesticides? In this health bite, we go over the cow’s diet + how it affe...

  • Immune System Modulation - Key to Healing From PANS & PANDAS

    Imagine having your phone, but you are missing the charger. The device would literally turn useless in less than 24 hours. That’s exactly how our immune system works, and a lot of people don’t even know they’re running around without “using a charger."" In this Health Bite, we’ve invited Dr. Tom ...

  • Inspiring Success Stories

    Have you been battling eczema or alopecia due to autoimmune disorders? Having these health conditions can make you feel tired and frustrated, and you may feel like you will never be whole again. Do not despair, get inspired by the journeys of people who are on the path to healing. In this health ...

  • 3 Key Immune Response Modifiers

    Covid may be over but your immunity still needs supports.. Specifically in this health bite you will hear about the best nutrition support that your body needs to help its immunity.

  • Types of T- cells and Their Functions

    Are you aware that our immune system has many different types of cells? Just like soldiers fighting in on a battlefield, the different cells of our immune system employ complex but well-coordinated mechanisms to combat diseases and infections. In order to learn more about these cells and their wa...

  • Environmental Medicine - Effective Treatment Protocols for Allergies

    A doctor said I’m allergic to my favorite food :( How ironic is that? Can this even be a coincidence? Not really, considering how we’re usually allergic to the most common foods. Does that mean you either have a choice between eating what you crave for or feeling well? According to Dr. Alan McDan...

  • The Complexity of our Immunuty: Terrain vs. Environment

    There’s nothing more fun than spending quality time with friends and family. But what if they’d come around, turn your house into a mess, and not even say sorry? For some people, the chaotic friend can be a peanut or broccoli! Join Dr. Afrouz Demeri in this Health Bite as she reveals more about t...

  • Decoding the Connection Between Emotional Trauma & Autoimmune Diseases

    Each one of us has some kind of childhood trauma, says Dr. Keesha Ewers, and the problem can go very deep…The more trauma you have, the more likely you are to develop all sorts of diseases...Not to mention addictions, destructive habits, and insecurity in your own body. In this episode, we’re goi...