The Healing Journey - Simple Ways To Build Bullet-Proof Health

The Healing Journey - Simple Ways To Build Bullet-Proof Health

Your health is always at risk; your body is constantly waging an endless war against invading viruses, germs, and pathogens, counteracting inflammation, and attempting to repair the damage caused by free radicals and toxins. If you want to live a long, healthy life, you can’t just be reactive and address health concerns as they rise. Instead, you need to be proactive and take drastic measures to bulletproof your health—measures you will learn about in these videos!

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The Healing Journey - Simple Ways To Build Bullet-Proof Health
  • Manual Lymphatic Therapy For Lymphedema

    It’s very hard to point out the most exciting therapeutic tool from Dr. Melissa Gallagher…Because, all the ones she lists during this episode sound really crazy, and work wonders at the same time! If you want to support your cardiovascular function, you’ll have plenty of therapeutic choices: From...

  • Investigative Medicine For Unrooting Diseases

    Rushing to fix one’s symptoms isn’t the way to go, according to Dr. Afrouz Demeri. She has a lot more of a holistic approach… and loves to ask questions as if she was a detective! It’s not magic supplements and exotic diets that heal the patient - it’s studying their case and adjusting to it. Lis...

  • Negative Effects Of Conventional Bone Drugs

    You’re most likely to encounter two types of bone drugs: Antiresorptive - slowing down bone breakdown or Anabolic - Speeding up bone building. Despite their different roles, they share one common characteristic. They have a dramatic impact on bone physiology, and should be considered very serious...

  • Most Common Health Issues for Women & Underlying Triggers

    Are you a woman constantly struggling with unexplained health issues like weight gain, gut issues, allergies, low libido, and brain fog? Are you worried that you are unable to handle all these health issues? This 3-min video unpacks the causes of the most common health issues for women and how to...

  • Environmental Medicine & Naturopathic Medicine - Inspiring Stories of Recovery

    Perhaps you know patients who have lost their hope entirely… The kind of people that see dozens of doctors and none of them has any clue how to act… Luckily, there’s Dr. Jessica Tran, who deals with people of all ages and has healed multiple cases of “lost hope." Serving the right diagnosis and p...

  • Fasting - Benefits, Protocols & Side Effects

    Ever thought about beginning your fasting journey? It offers many benefits, and we’re going to make it easy in this episode. Our metabolic expert, Cynthia Thurlow, covers all the basics for beginners, including: The best ways to get used to fasting, how to avoid dizziness and headaches, most comm...

  • The Right Combination Of Exercises For Bone Health

    Despite the huge effort that’s put into living in space, astronauts may suffer serious health consequences. One of them is losing bone density, because in space you don’t have to bear your own weight against gravity. The same applies to some sports on our Planet - they can be exhausting, but may ...

  • Innovative Therapies to Reverse Diseases & Support Body Function

    Do you feel that conventional medicine treatments do not work for you and do not give you long-term relief from chronic diseases? Innovative therapies that utilize newer technologies as well as age old practices might be an answer to your problems. Dive into this health bite, where Dr. Jaquel Pat...

  • Protocol of Healing Trauma Through the Chakra System

    If you can’t figure out what’s wrong with your health and why… The mystery is in your history! And no treatment or pill will be able to help until you work through your trauma. That’s what happened to one of Dr. Keesha Ewers’ patients, who would drown in sweat when performing in front of an audie...

  • Ways to Support Our Lymphatic System

    If you want to stay healthy and keep your body clean as you age… It’s time to go back to the good old days and start playing again! Some activities that kids love may be very beneficial to the older generation, according to Dr. Melissa Gallagher. Incorporating them into your daily routine will bo...

  • How to Vibrate at Higher Frequency for Better Outcomes in Life

    If you want to have a safe, easy road, you better know where you’re going. It’s exactly the same with life and longevity...Instead of trying to avoid all the dead ends, let’s focus on the healthy destination! Sounds too poetic? Sachin Patel will put it into more applicable context as we discuss f...

  • 3 Wearable Technologies to Monitor Effectiveness of Health Interventions

    What do fashionistas and healthy people have in common? They know how to use gadgets to take things to the next level! We’re about to share our favorite wearable healthy technology, which could even be classified as jewelry. If you enjoy fancy toys providing data in real-time, our top 3 in ‘The H...

  • Breathing Your Way to a Healthy & Long Life

    You wouldn’t guess what’s worse than smoking, lipids, or being diabetic. According to James LaValle, it’s shallow breathing. To be fair, he doesn’t seem to exaggerate at all. Listen to LaValle for 3 minutes to find out why.

  • Peptide Therapy As Preventive Medicine

    In this Health Bite, Dr. Matt Cook shocks us when he says that having no health problems can still be a sign of inflammation. It’s hard to accept that having no symptoms might be a symptom, right? Thankfully, Dr. Cook is equipped with the latest knowledge about new treatments and he’s more than e...

  • The Difference Between Conventional And Functional Medicine

    If your boat is sinking, should you pump out the water or fix the leak? In medical practice, modern medicine focuses on the symptoms rather than the root causes when treating a disease. Dr. Michael Bauerschmidt outlines ‘The Difference Between Conventional And Functional Medicine.’

  • Vitamin D - The Go-To Supplement To Build Immunity

    The king of all supplements is: foolproof to use, extremely cheap, reduces the chance of cancer, allergies, and increases immune tolerance & defense. And each one of us has a deficiency in it. Can you guess what is it? Find out, as Dr. Ty Vincent gives the answer in this Health Bite.

  • NAD For Optimizing Mitochondrial Function

    Plenty of ways to reverse aging are available. And they all work, says Dr. Kent Holtorf, who loves this topic! But, there’s a right and wrong way to approach everything. That’s why we recommend the correct order of actions in this episode. So tune in to see the right path towards longevity.

  • How Mitochondria Cascade of Damage Leads to Chronic Disease

    Everybody loves a nice plant - beautiful, majestic, and healthy. And so, it needs a clean environment, nutrition, and sunlight! Otherwise - you know what happens… (especially if you’re not good with plants). The same logic should be applied to keep your body healthy. If not, a cascade of problems...

  • Inspiring Success Stories

    We asked Angie Ates: What was she most grateful for in her life? The answer shocked us. How can she consider a disease as a blessing? Turns out it was a turning point in her life. It forced her to reflect on her lifestyle and health decisions. And then improve. Later on, she decided to help other...

  • Diet Protocol For Candida

    Did you know that there is an accidentally discovered diet for Insulin Resistant people. And there is a big possibility that it applies to you....since 40% of humans may be insulin resistant. At first used to fight yeast, this diet turned out to be very effective for other patients too. Its main ...

  • Clinical Shaman and Ancillary Approaches for Healing

    Would you like to send a message to your system? Learn how to communicate with your body the right way? That’s exactly what biofeedback is all about - sending a frequency to your body and waiting for a response. PLOT TWIST: You’ve been sending different frequencies to your body your whole life. E...

  • Disease Prevention Protocol by Dr. Jaquel Patterson

    Do you know that it is actually extremely simple to prevent diseases? And we want to bring to you these simple, yet effective, steps that will help you build out your immunity and reduce the risk of illness and conditions. In this health bite Dr. Jaquel Patterson shares her personal prevention pr...

  • 4 Pillars of Healing - The SANE Approach

    When fighting a chronic disease, do you mostly focus on the symptoms? It’s completely normal since they’re the first visible sign that something’s wrong…However, we should never make healing them our priority. It’s pointless and usually not effective if we don’t know the root cause of them. It’s ...

  • Medical Tourism: What You Need to Know

    Do laws and regulations hinder you from getting a certain treatment? Do you wish there was a place where you could get cheaper healthcare services? The answer to all these questions is medical tourism. Watch Dr. Brenden Cochran explain 'Medical Tourism: What You Need to Know.'