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Ozone Therapy, PK Protocol & PRP Therapy - Novel Regenerative Medicine Therapies

The Healing Journey - Simple Ways To Build Bullet-Proof Health • 7m 7s

Up Next in The Healing Journey - Simple Ways To Build Bullet-Proof Health

  • The Renew Method to Treating Chronic ...

    The hopelessness of chronic fatigue lays in you having zero energy to bounce back, heal, and recover. The people around think you’re faking it, as most of the symptoms are internal. After helping hundreds of exhausted patients, Dr. Yvonne Karney found her own “renew” protocol, which allows chroni...

  • Different Ways to Administer Peptides...

    It’s no secret that our doctors love peptides, thanks to their easy absorption and anti-inflammatory abilities. Moreover, peptides are extremely safe and have very few side effects. But what many people don’t realize is…Insulin is also a peptide, and around 30 million Americans are injecting it o...

  • Using Novel Modalities Like Color, Li...

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