The Art of Balancing Hormones - Emerge Whole from a Hormonal Crisis
Your hormones control so many internal functions—from your sex drive to your metabolism to your sleep to your growth and development. Unfortunately, the delicate endocrine balance can be disrupted, leading to a wide range of health problems, what is known as a “hormonal crisis”. In these videos, learn how you can regain control of your endocrine system and encourage a healthy hormonal balance in your body once again.
3 Tips to Downregulate Adrenals
We’re not saying you should avoid stress to become healthy… Stress is just a part of life, but how we respond to it makes all the difference between health and disease. Mastering your relationship with stress will not only impact your confidence, but also keep your hormones and immune system in c...
Hormonal Imbalance - The Number 1 Cause of Rapid Aging & Sexual Health Issues
Nothing screams ‘aging’ more than before vs after pictures of presidents. Even though their term is usually just a few years, it’s enough to completely change their appearance. And the same thing can happen to you, even if you don’t rule the country! Why? Dr. Anna Cabeca shares her mother’s perso...
Effect of Loss Of Hormones As We Age
The loss of hormones is relentless! It begins for all women mid-life and complicates their lives with all sorts of symptoms... Hormones are responsible for a woman’s: Brain, bones, mood, vagina, muscles, and sleep...Just to name a few. But there’s a way to put an end to this mid-life struggle. Ou...
Link Between Adrenal Insufficiency & Addiction to Substances of Abuse
There’s one very overlooked insufficiency that makes people really anxious. This common imbalance is also known to cause weak muscles, lack of energy, and surprising mood swings. But worst of it all, we’ve seen people gravitate towards harmful substances because of it. And if you’re over the age ...
Supplements & Foods For Detox & Hormonal Health
Purchasing a fancy pack of costly supplements might feel nice, but you don’t really need to splurge! We’d rather give you an affordable, yet super effective list, which can also make your diet more interesting: Top level antioxidants, Vitamins responsible for hormonal balance, Compounds to suppor...
5 Food Habits for Better Hormonal Balance
Our experts love the benefits of hormonal therapies, but there are other ways to immediately upregulate your endocrine system. In this Health Bite, we’ll give you actionable tips that will make a significant difference in balancing your hormones: Inflammatory products you need to avoid on the sup...
Real Life Stories of People Turning Their Lives by Balancing their Hormones
Yes, every partner has flaws and becomes annoying from time to time…But if it’s a recurring pattern for you, you may want to hear us out. The partner may not be the issue. As Dr. Anna Cabeca says, hormones affect physiology, and physiology affects your behavior. We asked her to elaborate on that,...
Why Is Personalization of Hormonal Therapy Important?
Did you have a chance to try hormonal therapy, and it turned out to be a massive flop? That’s not a reason to give up yet...The hormones themselves are the last to blame! According to Dr. Daved Rosensweet’s philosophy, you just haven’t found the right provider yet. What makes a true hormone profe...
Problems With Conventional Treatments For Infertility
The clock is ticking, and many couples struggle with fertility silently… Those who decide to visit the in vitro clinic, often realize that it’s not as smooth as perceived… It usually takes many sessions, and each one comes with less and less hope. While working with her patients, Dr. Aumatma Simm...
Breaking the Sugar Cycle & Other Ways to Detox For Better Hormonal Health
Sugar detox might seem like a difficult thing to do, but it will massively help in balancing your health. Not only will it improve your hormonal balance, but also help you lose a few pounds. If you’ve been on the verge of banning sugar from your diet, Dr. Deb Matthew will answer some of the frequ...
3 Common Myths Regarding Fertility
Every couple, old or young, needs to hear this about having children… The assumption that fertility problems are normal after 35 has been disproven! Our fertility expert, Dr. Aumatma Simmons, even goes further and says that believing such myths is narrow-minded… But there are many similar false b...
Hormone Archetype Quiz for Identifying Hormonal Imbalance
If you’re experiencing stress, brain fog, low energy levels, or weight issues: These can all be signs of hormonal imbalances, which can get quite twisted. It’s hard for an average person to track down the cause precisely, and doctors aren’t very likely to do that either. For your convenience, we’...
Inspiring Personal Journey to Hormonal Balance
Life only gets better after menopause…at least it’s supposed to, claims Dr. Sharon Stills. She tells from experience, as she’s been helping women with all sorts of hormonal imbalances. Actually, she always struggled with her own hormones. Today, she’s a smiling woman who went through menopause wi...
Hormone Therapy For Men & Women
Dr. Ty Vincent describes hormones as his “favorite toy to play with”. Sounds rather interesting, considering how he lights up about their unusual properties…In all seriousness, hormones can serve as a powerful therapeutic tool. Hence why we explain their significance in achieving long (and qualit...
How Safe & How Important Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Do you need to take medications, if you’re a person with Hashimotos? We’ve asked this question to Dr. Amie Hornaman, and her answer was, well…not that black and white! There are some therapies that she would recommend, but there’s still a lot of stigma around them… Dr. Hornaman is quite enthusias...
HPAD - 3 Manifestations of Adrenal Fatigue
Tired & wired: The cortisol guide. Do any of these statements describe you? "Always acting high-performance, not being able to fall asleep." "Always exhausted, glued to the bed in the morning." Even though these are opposite sides of the spectrum, they signal one major condition in your body. The...
Supplements, Adaptogens & Superfoods For Hormonal Balance
People travel for various reasons: Food, sports, museums… But for Dr. Anna Cabeca it was more than that. She traveled all the way to Peru, in hopes of fixing her own health circumstances. And the result? Discovering the Peruvian viagra, recovering from early menopause, and plenty of inspiring sto...
Effects Of Hormonal Imbalance on Health & Aging
Which hormone are you deficient in? For most people, it’s not a question of whether they have a hormonal imbalance. Instead, it’s about which hormonal imbalance they have…Here are a few signs that your hormone levels might be off: weight problems, fatigue & decreased energy, muscle and bone loss,...
The 5 Mantras to Be Well and Live Well
Dr. Anna Cabeca gave us her top 5 tips on hormonal balance today…Following her advice might fix most of the everyday health struggles you have. What’s funny is that an average 5-year-old would be able to remember these few steps and internalize them for life. Yes, it couldn’t be more simple (cons...
A Doctor's Story Of Miscarriage (Plus Tips for Better Fertility)
From a very young age, Dr. Afrouz Demeri wanted to have lots of kids. But having a miscarriage ruined her dream, and she had to take a step back. Even though she was told that “it just happens,” she started investigating and found the real reason. During this Health Bite, she tells her painful st...
The Link Between Trauma & Libido
Women would often come to Dr. Keesha Ewers’ office, complaining about their low libido. Asking for hormonal therapy, they would hear one question: “Do you like your partner?” You can probably guess the reaction… Tears and hopelessness. However, this doctor simply knew that there is more to low li...
Inspiring Patient Stories of Healing
“She was a hot mess,” recalls Dr. Sharon Stills. Barbara (her patient) was struggling with hormonal balance; Hair falling out, overweight, and terrible sleep quality. Somehow, Dr. Stills managed to turn her patient’s life around and Barbara ages beautifully. Their success story lives on, so here ...
Toxins, Hormones and Cancer (and Their Intricate Links)
It’s easy to blame all your issues on hormones... But it should be the other way around… It should be your hormones blaming you for all the issues! When something’s off, that’s because your body is trying to tell you something. If you want to become a good listener, we have special guest, Dr. Afr...
Infertility & Preparation For Pregnancy
The right way to approach pregnancy is preparation! Without proper training, you might struggle with fertility or get caught off-guard in the 3rd trimester. According to Dr. Sharon Stills, all women should consider some minor changes to ensure a healthy baby. In this Health Bite, she shares how t...