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Up Next in Quick, Simple and Tasty with Chef Claudine

  • Black Cod Cakes

    Ready to make a healthy and delicious fish dish tonight? Today Chef Claudine shows you how to make a delicious Black Cod Cakes in just 20-minutes. Topped with Pico de Gallo that includes avocado and mango -yum! Like most other fish, cod is a good source of omega-3 and omega-6.

  • Claudine's Buddha Bowl

    Join Chef Claudine to learn how to make a delicious Buddha Bowl. In just 20-minutes you’ll learn how to take delicious, fresh, organic ingredients and make a dish everyone will love. There are many variations you can choose to make it your own favorite bowl. Enjoy this perfect Buddha bowl tutorial.

  • Whole-Wheat Farfalle with Mushrooms, ...

    Today in less than 15-minutes Chef Claudine walks you through a delicious vegan dish. This healthy whole wheat pasta dish full of veggies is a wonderful dinner the entire family will love. Enjoy!