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Whole-Wheat Farfalle with Mushrooms, Asparagus and Peas

Quick, Simple and Tasty with Chef Claudine • 15m

Up Next in Quick, Simple and Tasty with Chef Claudine

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    Today Chef Claudine guides you through making a healthy chocolate mousse – avocado chocolate mousse! In just 10-minutes you will whip up a dessert your entire family will love. Enjoy!

  • Lentil Chili

    All you need is 20-minutes to whip up this vegan, delicious meal with Chef Claudine tonight. You can use brown, green, yellow, red or black lentils. Lentils are low in calories, rich in iron and folate and an excellent source of protein. They pack health-promoting polyphenols and may reduce sever...

  • Black Cod California Style

    Ready to make a healthy and delicious fish dish tonight? Today Chef Claudine show you to make a delicious Black Cod California Style with Pico de Gallo that includes avocado and mango -yum! Like most other fish, cod is a good source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It is also rich in vitamins ...