Our Planet, Our Health: Restoring The Missing Link

Our Planet, Our Health: Restoring The Missing Link

Do you have any idea how closely linked your environment is to your health? When you live in a healthy, natural environment free of chemicals and toxins, you can enjoy far better wellbeing than you would in a polluted, toxin-laden environment. Watch this show to learn about how environmental problems are causing real health concerns, and learn what steps you can take to both clean up your part of the planet and improve your life.

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Our Planet, Our Health: Restoring The Missing Link
  • The Importance of 'Trimester Zero'

    It’s way easier to prevent the cataclysm than to repair all the damage it’s caused. That’s why Dr. Afrouz Demeri is much more interested in the baby being healthy, rather than just being delivered. During this episode, we discuss the vitality of preparing for pregnancy + why we see more autism, A...

  • Mercury - The Global Pollutant

    Fish can seem like a great transition from meat, but it comes with a price…The fish you eat may contain high amounts of heavy metals - consuming them over long periods of time leads to serious health problems. Fancy a big stake of swordfish? Had you realized the consequences, you would think twic...

  • Action Steps to Heal the Planet

    Is it even possible to save the Earth at this point? Dr. Welman Shrader says it is, BUT… We truly don’t care enough… “Mankind is not that generous to do the proper thing.” And if that’s true, can anything force us to take action? We reveal the last resort left to inspire a positive change in this...

  • The Global Ecosystem of Immunity

    We like to think about immunity as a hermetic barrier, which keeps us separate from the outside world. Which is fine, but what if we want to engage with the world and enjoy all it has to offer? You cannot live in a bubble and connect with nature at the same time…That’s why Dr. Austin Perlmutter h...

  • Self Care & Small Steps For a Healthier Planet & A Healthier You

    As adults, we easily get caught up in the frenzy of work, schedules, and boring appointments. The last thing we want to worry about is the environment falling apart…That’s currently why our kids are way more responsible than us! They feel the need to clean up the mess and change the world before ...

  • The Health Price of Mass Production

    Do you know what was the world’s population 50 years ago? I bet you will be surprised to know that it was almost half of what the world’s population is today. And it has led to the adoption of various practices to support the needs of the growing population. But many of these practices have an ad...

  • Deceptively Dangerous Sources of Toxins In Our Homes

    Your house might be all clean and shiny…But that doesn’t mean it’s free from toxins. Actually, most of the products you consider safe to use in the household, end up polluting your body beyond imagination. It’s high time you hear the dark truth about the beauty/cleaning industries, which aren’t s...

  • Best Drink To Avoid Toxin Exposure

    We hear “stay hydrated” all the time. But it should be “stay hydrated without drinking toxins” instead. It may seem like a cliche topic, but clean water is more important than you think, and it’s not that hard to obtain and enjoy regularly. In this Health Bite, we’ve invited Laura Frontiero to re...

  • Energy Medicine - The Healing Power of Nature

    The difference between us and ancient societies is… We might have social media, but we departed from nature because of all this technology. And it certainly isn’t doing us a favor, with the increasing number of modern diseases. Robby Besner decided to bring back the old-fashioned power of “primal...

  • Studies on EMF (and A Personal Touching Story)

    Some people just can't separate work from private life. But for Paul Barattiero, it was love for his wife that impacted work; not the other way around. After his wife became highly anemic and encountered several health changes, he shifted his entire focus on her symptoms and solving her issues. A...

  • SimplPractical Tips to Avoid Disease Like Acoustic Neuroma & Infectious Diseases

    Covid made us realize the most common deficiencies of an average patient. We could list them all here, but you most likely know yours already. If that’s the case, there is no rocket science to fix them. Simplicity is key and in this episode we list the foolproof ways to boost your health and prev...

  • Kathleen Prlich - My Experiences As a Nurse

    Feeling joy after helping a human being. Observing a soul leaving someone’s body. Such are the extreme situations each nurse goes through on a daily basis. How is it possible to survive this emotional rollercoaster? In this episode, nurse Kathleen Prlich speaks from experience (and gets quite emo...

  • An Intricate Cycle: Environment-Gut-Immunity-Brain connection

    Did you know that scientists have proven a direct connection between the gut and the brain? This connection affects our body in several ways, including affecting our metabolism and immunity. Are you curious to know more about the gut-brain connection? In this Health Bite, Dr. Aristo Vojdani discu...

  • Photobiomodulation - Innovative Therapies in Integrative Medicine

    Our future is bright. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you can’t disagree. Our world is moving at a fast pace and there are plenty of ways to become more effective. Which is great, but it comes with a price. We have way more stress put on us and so we spend less time in nature. Hence why n...

  • How Toxic Chemicals Interfere In the Normal Functioning of the Body

    If you encounter fatigue, cancer, or autoimmune diseases, it is safe to assume that there’s an underlying toxic substance causing it. Bouncing of different doctors with barely any results? You might want to hear out Dr. Michael Karlfeldt who talks about possible disease factors related to environ...

  • Effects of EMF on Our Body

    As absurd as it may sound, there actually is a link between WiFi and your organs. And you’d be surprised how certain people would relate to that…In fact, some can’t stand the constant radiation of electronic devices. The majority of us don't feel any effect, but for a small group, the exposure to...

  • Metal Toxicity and Testing

    Ingredients of baby food, often grown in highly polluted areas, can contain several types of heavy metals. If our babies aren’t 100% safe, what about us, adults? Things only get worse. The food you consider healthy may actually be a slow undercover killer. Dr. Christopher Shade reveals, whether t...

  • Help Our Planet to Help Our Health

    We talk a lot about what can go wrong for us as a society - climate change, global warming, pollution intoxication, etc. But we don’t think much about what we can do to help protect ourselves and our planet. Listen to Dr. Michael Bauerschmidt in this health bite ‘Help Our Planet To Help Our Healt...

  • Identifying Dangerous Exposures: Mycotoxins & Mold

    Have you ever wondered why some people get sick while others do not when exposed to the same environment? The answer lies in how we manage our conditions like stress and our surrounding. In this health bite, Dr. Brenden Cochran talks about 'Identifying Dangerous Exposures: Mycotoxins & Mold' and ...

  • How Life's Conveniences Work Against Us

    It is ironic that with the advancement of technology, which has given us a lot of life's conveniences, we have lesser time for ourselves and are more stressed. Dr. Jaquel Patterson gives examples, such as how the commute to work may be affecting us negatively, to elaborate more on 'How Life's Con...

  • The Truth About Who Controls our Health, and What You Can Do About It

    You will be surprised if I tell you that we are ruining our own health without even realizing it . The truth is that we are trapped in a vicious cycle of deterioration. Want to know more about it? Click here to tune into today’s health bite of ‘Our Planet, Our Health’ show, where Dr. Michael Baue...

  • Genetics Will Load the Gun, The Environment will Pull the Trigger

    Did you know that our environment affects our health as much as, if not more than, our genes? It is very important to avoid exposure to environmental toxins to stay healthy. In today’s health bite of ‘Our Planet, Our Health’ show, Dr. Michael Bauerschmidt, elaborates more on how 'Genetics Will Lo...

  • The Link: Environmental Toxicity And Chronic Diseases

    Do you know that your environment has a direct effect on your health and environmental toxicity can lead to chronic diseases and even death? Want to know more about the environmental toxicants, such as plastics, fumes and mycotoxins? Watch this episode where Dr. Brenden Cochran describes the link...

  • Intro: Environmental Toxins and Your Immunity

    Have you realized that although life expectancy is increasing, the incidence of chronic diseases is rising as well. This is due to the effect of our environment on our health. In today's health bite, Dr. Jaquel Patterson explains the connection between 'Environmental Toxins and Your Immunity' and...