Obesity & Diabetes - Returning to Normality

Obesity & Diabetes - Returning to Normality

Despite the staggering prevalence of obesity and diabetes, the root causes of weight problems are often misunderstood. We will explore the latest research and expert opinions to understand the real causes of obesity and diabetes and then equip you with actionable advice on how to combat them. Join us for an informative journey that will dive into a large range of topics from processed foods and high insulin levels to metabolism and fat burning.

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Obesity & Diabetes - Returning to Normality
  • The Relationship Between Obesity & Inflammation: What You Need to Know

    We’d rather not hear the obesity statistics presented by James LaValle, but they’re true, nonetheless. One of the scary data points relates to a whopping 79% of American people. The issue seems as serious as it is common, considering that diabetic and prediabetic patients are more likely to die p...

  • Get Inspired: Reduce Your Risk of Total Cause Mortality by 75% with Weight Loss

    More than 40% of people in America are obese. This condition alone is a huge contributor to inflammation and all types of diseases. The more weight one carries, the more burden that disrupts their metabolism and increases the risk of cancer. But James LaValle has “a golden ticket” for anyone look...

  • Common Vascular Issues for Geriatric Patients

    Cardiovascular problems often hit men and women after age 65. There are obvious signs of these issues, whether you’re looking to spot them in your parents or yourself. No matter the case, the visible sign may be a warning about inefficient veins. Although it’s very easy to confuse with weight acc...

  • Correcting Metabolism By Building Metabolic Reserve, Capacity & Durability

    If you fall into the habit of late-night cravings or having a hard time managing stress…We have plenty of actionable advice from James LaValle. Not only will he cover various metabolic issues, but also give you real tips on how to fix them! During this Health Bite, LaValle discusses how to overco...

  • Causes & Ways To Reverse Type-II Diabetes

    A large group of people have no clue that fat loss and weight loss are two completely different things. Or that Type 2 diabetes can actually be reversed. Or how much 1 lb of fat actually is, this one gets weird. Dr. Kellee Rutley wrecks all the myths about weight and sugar in this Health Bite. Tu...

  • The Link Between Obesity and the Risk Of Cancer

    If you’re insulin resistant, you’re X times more likely to develop certain types of cancer. Here’s why: Once your cells become inefficient, they are supposed to be killed - but some of them survive and become renegades. It’s those troublesome survivors that cause all types of issues, and James La...

  • Thin Out Fat In Patient's Transformation

    The skinny-fat body type is a tricky one. People look good, until they take their clothes off. Our dietary expert, JJ Virgin, has seen plenty of people beat this physique, but it requires a very specific approach...But, if applied strictly, people go down from XL to M in as little as 3 months, wi...

  • Losing Weight with Meditation - A Personal Story

    Meditation for weight loss? Diet, exercise, sleep - you’ve heard these weigh loss tips a million times. But, what if we told you that you can lose weight by exercising your mind? It’s hard to imagine, but apparently, this was the case for JJ Virgin, a fitness & nutrition expert. If you’ve already...

  • The Cardio Weight Loss Myth

    Want to lose weight? Gain it first! This might be the most counter-intuitive weight loss advice ever. Says JJ Virgin, a best-selling fitness & nutrition expert. This advice is especially useful for people looking to burn fat, and age slower as a result. Hold on though! Listen to this episode befo...

  • Lipedema - The Reason Why Some People Cannot Burn Fat

    Some people are unable to burn fat, no matter what… They could be doing tons of exercise, trying the strictest diets, and see no significant results. This may be a sign of a condition called Lipedema, which is most common in women. If you just cannot seem to lose fat and you’ve tried a variety of...

  • Lymphedema - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

    It’s common for cancer patients to have some tissue or lymph nodes surgically removed. But with these procedures, a whole cascade of problems can follow. You may not be able to ‘flush’ properly, leading to an accumulation of weight. During this Health Bite, Dr. Melissa Gallagher claims that she s...

  • Covid and Obesity: What Actually Happened

    Tons of diabetic and unfit people had it rough with COVID-19. Coincidence? Certainly not. There is a very logical reason as to why that happened. Dr. Kellee Rutley says it’s like having to run a marathon with an additional 80 lbs of weight. Imagine having to run miles with a kid on your back, sou...

  • Peptide Therapy For Obesity & Sexual Health

    Our experts never disappoint us when it comes to the creative use of peptides. According to Dr. Matt Cook, they can improve weight loss and some other sensitive problems… We can utilize peptides to regulate blood sugar and appetite, which makes losing pounds drastically easier. And when it comes ...

  • Why Are We Eating Too Much & How Is This Affecting Our Health?

    The hunter/gatherer archetype is long forgotten, with food sitting on the shelves. With such convenience, many problems arise. Most people don’t even realize the true cost of eating more than they’re supposed to… Until it suddenly hits them. During this Health Bite, we’re deeply discussing this w...