Living an Extraordinary Life with Maytal

Living an Extraordinary Life with Maytal

When we talk about a “rich” life, we’re not just talking about rich in health and happiness! If you want to attract money, be more productive, and succeed professionally, let these episodes help you find the best route to achieving your financial and professional goals.

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Living an Extraordinary Life with Maytal
  • 5 Steps Towards Mastering Communication in Any Relationship

    Ready to master communication in your relationships? In under 5-minutes Maytal lays out 5 easy techniques you can apply when communicating in general. These techniques apply to any relationship. If you want to feel heard and understood while making sure you are tuning in to others, this is the vi...

  • How to Start Practicing Self-Care Today and 3 Reasons Why You Should

    In just 5-minutes Maytal shares all about self care. This important practice is a must. Today, Maytal shares why a daily self-care practice is important. Tune in today to learn how to easily squeeze in this life-changing practice.

  • Four Ways to be Incredibly Productive

    Today our expert business and life coach, Maytal will share four ways to be incredibly productive. In just 7-minutes you’ll learn the tools to feel productive, focused and incredibly accomplished. Forty nine percent of the population is dealing with anxiety, depression and substance abuse. To hel...

  • Breaking Through Money Blocks

    Can you relate to wanting to break through money blocks? If you have just 7-minutes, we highly recommend Maytal’s video that will shift how you think about money. Thirty one percent of American adults, or 76 million people, say they are struggling to get by or just barely making it, according to ...