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Gently Fall Into A Deep Sleep

Guided Meditation Audio Sessions with Francoise • 23m

Up Next in Guided Meditation Audio Sessions with Francoise

  • Fall Asleep With Ease

    Want to fall asleep with ease? Then be sure to carve out 15-minutes before you doze off so Francoise can guide you to do so via her guided meditation audio session. Doing so, enables you to relax, let go of mental chatter and any tension held from the day. The result is a great, restful night’s s...

  • A New Beginning - A lighter Brighter ...

    Today Francoise helps to show you how to step into a lighter, brighter and more focused you. Today’s mediation is a place to dump anything that has been bothering you so you can wake up tomorrow with a blank state. Be sure to carve out ideally 1-hour before bed, with a journal and pen by your bed...

  • Meditating on Your Goals Part 2

    Today Francoise dives into the second part of her guided meditation audio session focusing on your goals. You’ll want to carve out 35-minutes for this guided meditation to get the most benefits. Get connected to your goals and how to make them a reality. This meditation will help your body and mi...