A to Z Yoga Journey with Vytas Baskauska
This 30-minutes sequence focuses on stretching the hips and hamstrings in order to create more freedom in the lumbar spine. This class consists mostly of gentle stretches with a few standing poses thrown in. If you recently felt a bit tense and uneasy, you’ll quickly forget about those feelings afterwards!
Up Next in A to Z Yoga Journey with Vytas Baskauska
Our bodies are designed to do strong and explosive things on one leg. This type of work will strengthen the outer hips and help to support the lower back. All will find a renewed sense of stability and vigor in the legs and core. In addition, many people with lumbar weakness will benefit from thi...
Find Your Squat
This level 1 practice is all about the squat. This is the human body’s most natural position. You’ll get plenty of modifications for knee and hip issues so that you can find the version that suits your needs and abilities. Get out your props for this class and let's get out of the chair and back ...
Strong Balance Flow
This practice is meant to be worked up to, so don’t feel bad if you feel the need to take extra breaks when first attempting it. Multiple binding variations and arm balances are also shown as goals to work towards. Each time you undertake this class you’ll be seeking new ways to go deeper and har...