Winter 1942. A small town in Germany. Despite her good neighbourly relations with the Silbersteins, Marianne Meissner has certain difficulties to be really behind them in those dangerous times. Mariannes son Heinrich entertains a close friendship with David, the son of the Silbersteins. He manages to live simply as good friends with David. In Heinrichs child-like, naïve world there is no such thing as Jew or Jewish. Both boys have piano lessons with David’s father and often play duets together on the piano. The deportation of the Silbersteins is imminent. What can Marianne tell her son? For his sake in order to protect him she tries to make him believe that the neighbours are going on a journey to Toyland. Heinrich believes his mother. A mother does not tell lies. One morning Heinrich has disappeared. The Silbersteins too. Panicstricken Marianne storms out of the house looking for her son. Of course she knew that there is no such thing as Toyland just as the whole nation knew what happened to Jewish citizens. Marianne wants to rescue her son.

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  • TOYLAND - Full Movie

    TOYLAND tells a story about the worst time in German history. It shows a little episode from this time through the eyes of a child.