The School By The Sea

The School By The Sea

Thorvin and Тilde are the only second graders at their small seaside school. Their days are beatific, and everyone knows each other, plays together and helps one an-other—until the school shuts down. THE SCHOOL BY THE SEA catches the rain-bow of sadness and excitement, resistance and resilience, loss and growth, of a child adapting to change.

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The School By The Sea
  • THE SCHOOL BY THE SEA - Official Trailer

    Thorvin and Tilde are the only two pupils in second grade at their small school by the sea. Their school days are great. But one day the council decides to close the school down...


  • THE SCHOOL BY THE SEA - Full Movie

    Thorvin and Tilde are the only two pupils in second grade at their small school by the sea. Their school days are great. But one day the council decides to close the school down...