Relationships, Love & Sex: Creating Deeper Connections

Relationships, Love & Sex: Creating Deeper Connections

From formal to intimate, relationships can significantly impact the quality of our life. This show reveals all the intricacies of human bonds and dives into the complexities of interactions. Our experts fear no taboo and give practical strategies for improving communication, managing conflicts, and fostering intimacy. Join us as we explore how to build stronger, more fulfilling connections with the people around you…Are you ready?

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Relationships, Love & Sex: Creating Deeper Connections
  • Ways To Increase Nitric Oxide In Your Body

    There’s hope for dysfunctional genitals! Do you struggle to feel any sensations during sex? Or perhaps you can’t even get ready, and when you do, it’s not the pleasant type of sensation…? Whether you’re a man or a woman, there’s still hope for your genitals! In this Health Bite Susan Bratton reve...

  • Going Beyond The Physical Aspects of Sex - 5 Root Causes Of Low Libido In Women

    Science has proved the importance of sex countless times. But when it comes to seasoned relationships, this topic is often swept under the rug. And eventually, some women end up visiting Dr. Keesha Ewers’ office, asking for hormonal therapies to bring back the old passion...Not realizing that the...

  • Relationship With Self & Others - An Important Aspect of Graceful Aging

    Some people are proud of their perfect diet and fitness routines. And yet, they end up with health issues, occupying doctors’ offices. This sounds completely unfair, but for Dr. Cheng Ruan it makes perfect sense. Sometimes it’s your own belief system holding you back, and Dr. Ruan’s patient story...

  • Regenerative Therapies To Improve Sexual Health Of Women

    As women age, they commonly experience unpleasant sensations around the vaginal area. That includes pain, sensitivity, and less pleasure. But thanks to Susan Bratton, we’ll put an end to all of these. In this Health Bite, she’ll reveal: How to increase blood flow for more comfort, treatments to p...

  • How Your Sexual Passion Affects Your Passion For Life

    “When you’re highly sexual, people can tell.” says Susan Bratton, and she’s absolutely right! Some people simply look like their relationship is great and nothing is missing. And that translates into every other area of life. Having more energy, being confident, and even more fun! So, what’s the ...

  • How Mental Health Affects Sexual Health

    When it comes to mental obstacles during sex, feeling unattractive and unworthy has to be the biggest one. If you’ve ever encountered this, you know how impossible it feels to quit this mentality! But Susan Bratton has found a way, and she’s been using it with her husband for the past 31 years! W...

  • Regenerative Therapies For Improving Sexual Health In Men

    There are levels to everything, and so it is with curing erectile dysfunction. Men can choose from a variety of treatments, from dirt cheap to unbelievably expensive. But according to Susan Bratton, a self-proclaimed ‘penis pumping expert’, the cheapest option works exceptionally well. Her recomm...

  • Communication - The Key To Great Sex

    The #1 thing holding couples back from having a fulfilling sexual life is… Communication. Which, in many cases, is pretty much non-existent. But that’s about to change. Susan Bratton will introduce you to a two-word formula that will upgrade your sexual communication like never before. You can le...

  • Social Connection & Laughter - The 2 Secrets To a Long & Healthy Life

    Do you finish most of your days with a dose of loneliness/anxiety/stress? These are all extremely toxic feelings, which certainly don’t make you feel/look any younger. But relax for now, as we’ve got a really surprising anti-aging strategy, which doesn’t get any spotlight at all... Except in this...

  • How Aging Affects The Sexual Health of Men & Women

    Is aging and losing sexual drive something we should accept? Yes and no! While these things are bound to happen, we can certainly oppose them. This relates to both men & women. Dr. Sabrina Solt’s patients, who decide to oppose the loss of sexual drive, get their energy and youthful glow back. Wha...

  • Sex as an Anti-Aging Weapon

    Relationship 101: Revive their drive! Oftentimes, couples suffer from an imbalanced dynamic. One partner wants it more than the other, which causes a lot of frustration and awkwardness. But there’s a way to experience a true sexual renaissance, no matter your age. All thanks to the ‘Revive their ...

  • Top 2 Myths About Sex As We Age

    Parents don’t usually discuss sex with their children. And so, the myths arise, and stay with us through decades. Thankfully, we have Susan Bratton as a guest, and she’s a true sexual-myth-buster. Does sex end at menopause? Are men and women sexually equal? Are female genitals like an English muf...

  • Sexology & The Relationship Between Communication & Sex

    There are many false beliefs when it comes to sex & relationships. What’s worse - we love to repeat them over and over! “I’m never gonna be like my parents""...""if he loved me, he would know what I need""...“lack of communication is normal.” In this Health Bite we’ve invited Dr. Keesha Ewers to ...

  • Physical Effects Of Aging on Genitals

    Nature loves playing tricks on us humans…One of them is especially cruel, as it relates to our genitals. As we age, we shrink, and so do our sexual organs.This is one of the reasons why older people give up on sex - it simply feels painful and numb. But… This doesn’t have to do much with hormones...

  • 6 Physical Benefits Of Sex

    Intimacy (or its lack!) isn’t the only reason relationships fall apart. It’s also why people experience hormonal imbalances, cognitive decline, and even cardiovascular disease. Can lovemaking keep your organs in good condition as you age? The answer is yes, and Susan Bratton holds the explanation...