Reinventing Detoxification - Proven Ways to Eliminate Toxins

Reinventing Detoxification - Proven Ways to Eliminate Toxins

Toxins are all around us, but they don’t have to impair your health or steal the joy of life. In this show, listen to our experts share their detox protocols, alternative and effective methods for whole body cleansing, lifestyle habits and changes that will ensure your body's detox pathways are supported and nourished to do their job.

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Reinventing Detoxification - Proven Ways to Eliminate Toxins
  • The Cause of Heavy Metal Retention & Chronic Disease

    Here’s what many people don’t realize about testing… If we’re lacking certain minerals, our bodies won’t wait for them - Instead, they will use what’s available at that very moment. And if we eat, drink or breathe? Then the body surely has some heavy metals laying around! In order to prevent heav...

  • Important Nutrient Deficiencies That Affect Toxin Metabolism

    A shocking study by the University of Oregon has recently been published, and the conclusions are very worrying… What’s truly surprising, is the fact that the study took supplementing into account. Yet, even 92% of Americans are deficient in some vital compounds and vitamins. Could this be that t...

  • 5 Effective Tips & Supplements For Detoxing

    Is looking for advice on the internet ever a good thing? Well, it depends on what your health goals are… If you want to cater the treatment to personal needs, then it might be a good idea to stay away from unverified advice. This also goes for detox tips, which can be found left and right online…...

  • Effect of Toxins on Brain, Gut & Cellular Level

    We still seem to ignore the dangers of mold. Even as little as 24 hours of exposure are enough for viruses, bacteria, and toxins to start thriving… But did you realize that when buildings get wet, memory loss becomes a possibility? Or even more oddly - that mold may be associated with the conditi...

  • 2 Simple Ways to Reduce Exposure To Mercury

    What’s the common denominator of some fish and amalgam fillings in teeth? They’re both overloaded with a heavy metal, which can penetrate your nervous system. But are they really that big of a deal, considering how many people have them in their mouths? Well, some groups can be more at risk than ...

  • How Heavy Metals Are Destroying Your Health

    We often like to count how many points our experts make during an episode, as it’s convenient for the viewer and sounds catchy. But when Wendy Myers started talking about the toxic effects of heavy metals, we simply lost count… All we can say is that metals, such as mercury & lead, can act in way...

  • 4 Foods That Help In Detoxification

    You may hear our experts talk about innovative equipment and fancy protocols for detox… But truthfully, these are just an addition. First, you need to sort your diet out, and then worry about minor details. If you’re still on the average American diet, we have some powerful recommendations to ste...

  • Tests To Assess Body Burden Of Toxins

    What’s the difference between blood, urine, and other available tests? Depending on your own needs, one test will reveal more than the others. Measuring toxin levels can get complicated, but not with Dr. Lyn Patrick in his episode! She will tell you how to test for chemicals passed from older gen...

  • Top 2 Toxins Everyone is Exposed to (and How to Protect Yourself)

    We all know that sugar isn’t necessarily the healthiest ingredient… But would you consider it a toxin? Well, Dr. Yvonne Karney does, and she has no problem explaining why that is (she says it works like a flamethrower inside your body). But wait! That’s not all… In this Health Bite, she also ment...

  • Do Binders Really Help To Detox?

    Are animal studies a reliable source of information? Dr. Andrew Campbell, who published 100+ various studies himself, says they’re just as good as internet advice… And gives the example of binders, which in his opinion, have a way better alternative. Who to trust when it comes to efficient detoxi...

  • Diet For Detox That Supports Holistic Health

    How to determine whether your meals serve you well? Or how can some people eat grains with pleasure, and others feel terribly bloated after a similar dose? These are some unusual detox-related question we’ve asked Dr. Thomas Alexander, but he didn’t act surprised by any of those... Instead, he ga...

  • Do We Need A Fluoride Detox?

    We only get one proper set of teeth, and should treat them like precious stones. One of the most popular toothpaste ingredients, fluoride, is supposed to strengthen our teeth. But at what cost? There’s a big debate going on, whether fluoride causes more harm than good… And it’s surprising to hea...

  • 3 Step Protocol to Eliminate Mycotoxins From Your Body

    Mold isn’t just about what you smell and see - the real danger comes from invisible toxins that it produces, called mycotoxins. These can be a huge source of autoimmune issues, allergies, and even neurological problems. Obviously, avoidance is always the best - but if you already have been expose...

  • 3 Types of Environmental Toxins & Testing For Them

    There are 3 major toxins affecting the brain, and you probably think your body has none of them… At least that’s what most people think until they actually test themselves properly. But before you know which toxins you have, you probably don’t even know which tests to take… We can’t blame you, as...

  • What is Toxic Hunger?

    Do you ever feel shaky, irritated, or fatigued after not eating for a while? This may not be real hunger - Dr. Joel Fuhrman calls this state ‘toxic hunger’, and believes it’s a sign of a poorly planned diet. While experiencing toxic hunger, you’ll have more trouble following a strict meal plan, a...

  • Top 2 Everyday Sources of Toxins Hurting The Gut

    6 out of 10 Americans experience chronic gut symptoms… Meaning that if you experience nausea, bloating, brain fog or food sensitivity - You may be in the unlucky majority… But what if you consider your lifestyle as balanced, yet have the above? Toxic environmental factors don’t have to be obvious...

  • The Link Between Environmental Pollutants & Chronic Diseases (How to Avoid Them)

    The air you breathe indoors can be more toxic than what NYC pedestrians inhale everyday. When Nathan Crane told us about this particular study, we were in deep shock. Turns out that an average home is a major source of toxicity, even through simple household products. These toxins slowly damage o...

  • Support Lymphatic Drainage with Simple Techniques and Supplements

    Have you ever heard of the lymphatic system? Expert Sinclair Kennally considers it to be the magical mechanism which helps flush out toxins like nothing else… But most people have no idea how to support this system… This quick 2-minute Health Bite will equip you with the best, yet gentle herbs to...

  • Common Cognitive Decline Symptoms & Their Toxic Root Causes

    Common cognitive and mental health symptoms you may experience include anxiety, depression, brain fog & memory loss. And the range of root causes can be just as diverse… But if you focus all your attention on suppressing the symptoms, you’ll never find the source that started all the symptoms… Th...

  • The 5 Emunctories For Detoxing

    Did you know that it’s not just the liver and kidneys that matter for detox? There are other organs taking part in excreting toxins, and today Dr. Sharon Stills will list them all, plus way more... Does all medicine come in a pill bottle? Can breathing techniques help you detoxify? What are you m...

  • 4 Simple Home Detox Therapies

    Are you a fan of DIY? More importantly - are you in search of accessible detox protocols? If you answered ‘yes’ to either of these, we’ve got something interesting for you: Healthy coffee drinks to stimulate master antioxidants + Hydrotherapies in your own shower + Organic products to rub on your...

  • Understanding Different Types of Sugars Acting as Toxins

    We all had that one friend who used to have a different nickname every few weeks… The same can be said about sugar… Apart from the fact that this ingredient isn’t our friend at all! There are now 61 ways to describe sugar on product labels, and they’re all just as addictive! Why is it so importa...

  • How to Trigger Gut Flow through Supplementation for Total Gut Detox

    Improving gut health after years of constant disruption won’t be easy, but it’s certainly doable… To achieve total detox, you’ll need to support your cleansing organs in the correct order, all while providing your body with vital nutrients and specific supplements. But fear nothing, as the hard p...

  • Dr. Lyn's Inspiring Personal Journey Of Managing High Toxin Load

    Studies show that as we age, we endlessly accumulate more toxic burden. Which then becomes a source of cancer, inflammatory diseases, and heart issues. Dr. Lyn Patrick found out about this the hard way, growing up amongst pesticides and chemicals at home. Through a solid protocol, she was able to...