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One-pan Baked Halibut

Quick, Simple and Tasty with Chef Claudine • 16m

Up Next in Quick, Simple and Tasty with Chef Claudine

  • Autumn Apples and Cabbage

    Chef Claudine is helping us all jump into the spirit of fall by sharing her delicious Autumn Apples and Cabbage side dish. In just 12 minutes, you’ll bring in the aromatic smells of fall into your home plus quickly whip up a wonderful side dish. Plus, this dish is gluten free, dairy free, soy fre...

  • Lemon and Shrimp Pasta

    Chef Claudine is cooking up a delectable meal today – Lemon and Shrimp Pasta! Yum! In just 12 minutes, you will cook up a delicious Italian, organic meal. Plus, you’ll learn the tricks to peeling shrimp and what you can do with the shells. If you’re in for some Italian goodness tonight, give this...

  • Greek Peaches

    Today Chef Claudine will walk you through a simply, natural and delicious dessert. In just 10 minutes you’ll whip up an unforgettable dessert anyone you share with will rave about – Greek Peaches. A big plus is it’s easy to make! If you’re all in for a delectable, organic, fruit dessert, this vid...