Our Planet, Our Health: Restoring The Missing Link

Our Planet, Our Health: Restoring The Missing Link

Do you have any idea how closely linked your environment is to your health? When you live in a healthy, natural environment free of chemicals and toxins, you can enjoy far better wellbeing than you would in a polluted, toxin-laden environment. Watch this show to learn about how environmental problems are causing real health concerns, and learn what steps you can take to both clean up your part of the planet and improve your life.

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Our Planet, Our Health: Restoring The Missing Link
  • Tips to Protect Ourselves From EMFs

    If you wish to feel rejuvenated and have a peaceful sleep, you should unplug all your electronic friends and say good night to them. This alone will make a difference, night and day. But in this Health Bite, Dr. Michael Karlfeldt is generous enough to share 4 more tips to help you detoxify even m...

  • How Industrial Emissions Affect Our Genes

    We inherit certain mutations both from the mother & father. But does that mean they should be blamed for any gene-related health issues? Not really… And that’s because it’s something completely different that triggers the mutation. The environment! According to Steve Ottersberg, certain chemicals...

  • Smart Choices to Solve Complex Planet Health Issue

    Unfortunately for us, a magic pill to combat environmental change doesn't exist. If it did, somebody would have already made millions of dollars from it. Luckily, there are millions of cheap ways to curate our own surroundings. Dr. Heather Sandison goes over them in this Health Bite, plus she rev...

  • Lookout For This Word On Your Skincare Product Label!

    They say not to judge a book by its cover…The same goes for cosmetics - they are often marketed as safe or organic, but it’s all smoke and mirrors! What do you do then? Check the ingredients? This can get even more confusing with all the complicated terms! But there is one word that you should av...

  • EMF Effect at the Cellular Level

    The more advanced the waves and frequencies in our internet connection, the easier the access to the internet. Unfortunately, the easier the access to the internet…the less social interaction we have. But our children are having it even harder (like brain-wrecking harder). Is there even a point i...

  • What Are Depolarizing Devices & Waveguard Devices?

    With the rise of wireless technology, came the items ‘protecting from frequencies & fields.’ In this health bite, Paul Barattiero reveals how the various technologies work and why they are preferred ways to protect us from EMF. He puts his science hat on to lead us through his research on the eff...

  • Effect of EMFs on Heart & Brain

    The device can be up 24/7; a human cannot…But on a serious note, there is a major problem with passing human tasks to devices. It’s cost-efficient but impacts our health more than we'd like to think. As Dr. William Ingram puts it, ""a human doesn’t radiate waves."" But that’s just one of the few ...

  • Natural Stones - Good Frequency Generators

    At one point in his career, Robby Besner became interested in more than just developing healing devices. His fascination with materials generating positive frequencies led him to some rather interesting places…You could easily compare him to Indiana Jones, exploring foreign lands in search of pre...

  • 6 Steps to Reclaim the Power Over Your Own Health

    You can begin to spiral, positively if you sleep well enough. This might be the #1 TIP to improve the quality of life. Be calm -> Sleep better -> Be even calmer. The first step is always the hardest, but we’ve got you covered. Watch this Health Bite as Dr. Tom Moorcroft shares 5 more ways to ensu...

  • Think About What You Are Eating

    The following statement is true, yet neglected by many: 'Most diseases are a product of your own diet.' E.g. high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, increased risk of having a stroke…At the same time, there are certain diets allowing you to eat as much as you want, and still lose weight while not...

  • Small Steps to Reduce Plastic Waste & Change Personal Care Products

    We should stop trying to be heroes. Humble actions are easier to perform and build up over time. If you want to lead a cleaner lifestyle - drop the perfectionism and focus on what we’re about to suggest instead. In this health bite, we share the top 3 things daily that you’re likely to not pay at...

  • Our Bodies: 1000 Years to Adapt

    5G is like lions. Simply put: We instinctively fear lions and we could only get used to their company through constant exposure. Now, imagine a new version of lions appearing every few years. Would there be any possibility to adapt and predict their behavior? That’s exactly the case with frequenc...

  • It Is Our Responsibility to Protect Ourselves From EMFs!

    Ah, 5G… a favorite topic of every conspiracy theory enthusiast. But we’d rather listen to licensed professionals instead. Paul Barattiero, who’s been researching electromagnetic fields for years, is surely the one with knowledge. According to him, 5G doesn’t really hold much value to the average ...

  • Mitochondria Function - Tests & Ways to Optimize

    You’d be surprised how much microplastics we eat and breathe. And we could write 100s of emails complaining about this…Or, actually provide you with useful tips to counter all the toxins. In fact, we’re constantly doing the latter, yet most people are too stubborn to use the tips. Watch as Laura ...

  • The Healing Power of Nature - Save the Earth

    How often do you appreciate the surrounding nature? Once a year, perhaps on a vacation trip. At most. What if each one of us valued nature on a daily basis? What if we cared enough to preserve it? Wouldn’t our planet reward us for that? In this health bite, Angie Ates suggests what each one of us...

  • Effect of Degradation of Soil on Planet Health

    Tune in to hear Krishnan talk about the 3 BIG problems of today’s soil and a little-known connection between our gut and the soil. It all makes sense once you listen to this fascinating Health Bite.

  • Why Immune-Based Diseases Are Rising

    Today we’re recalling beautiful times when caring about allergens wasn’t mainstream, and Dr. Ty Vincent wonders: “What went wrong?” Did the world turn upside down, or did we change? Hear about the possible decline in health and how we’ve already peaked as a species in this Health Bite.

  • Are We Really Healthier Than Before?

    “Are we healthier than we were 50/100 years ago?” Is a common question we like to ask every doctor we interview. The opinions are divided, but today, we’ve heard a very special one. In under 3 minutes, Dr. Keesha Ewers will give you her honest take on the best time to be alive and healthy...If it...

  • Amazing Healing Power of Nature By Negative Ions

    Why do we enjoy singing in the shower? One reason is that no one’s listening… But there’s actually a better explanation. When water creates friction, it frees up a lot of ions that charge us with positive energy. The same thing happens with beaches, waterfalls, and even rain. But it turns out tha...

  • The Disorder Map: How The Environment Affects Specific Systems in Our Body

    There’s been a ton of discussion about autism for the last couple of years. We see more and more cases of it in the modern world. Why is that? Unfortunately, for the worst possible reason: There’s a pyramid of tiny environmental problems that add up and create a negative butterfly effect. None of...

  • Tips to Protect Ourselves From EMFs

    Why are electric devices not our friends? How does current technology slow down our healing? Why is it a bad idea to let our children be online 24/7? So many questions, perhaps a new subject would have to be created at school. And the teacher could be nurse Kathleen Prlich, who found the answers ...

  • The Harmful Effects Of EMFs

    With infertility rates through the roof, and more couples struggling to conceive a baby…It’s high time to protect your future children, even if they’re not yet existent! Dr. Afrouz Demeri prepared some strategic tips to avoid harmful electromagnetic waves, which you cannot see or feel but your or...

  • Environmental Toxins - Little Steps to Make a Difference

    “Environmental toxins are everywhere. You’re never gonna get away from them” says Angie Ates. And she is absolutely right. So should you just accept the way things are? Absolutely not! Being aware of the problem is a good starting point, but what’s next? Supporting your body to neutralize inevita...

  • The Importance of 'Trimester Zero'

    It’s way easier to prevent the cataclysm than to repair all the damage it’s caused. That’s why Dr. Afrouz Demeri is much more interested in the baby being healthy, rather than just being delivered. During this episode, we discuss the vitality of preparing for pregnancy + why we see more autism, A...