Our Kind Of Love

Our Kind Of Love

This lovely chamber drama, co-written and co-directed by Elham Ehsas and Azeem Bhati, is a romantic story about the search for love and the longing for connection -- something that most people anywhere can relate to. Through its beautiful writing and lovely cinematography, it captures both the hope and melancholy of romance, the awkwardness of a first date and the strange rituals and practices of modern-day dating. What makes this short film distinctive is its nuanced observation of how people feel the pull of their cultures, languages and traditions, even after growing up in the West. Stylish and self-assured Harun has his foot in both his British lifestyle and his cultural background, fluent in both the cosmopolitan tastes of a London sophisticate while loving the customs and culture of Afghanistan. But Samira is new to it all, allowing both Harun and the audience to see Western urban life through new eyes and lending her a charm, curiosity and intelligence to her characterization. Watching her learn and adapt to her circumstances, no matter how small, is a pleasure.

Our Kind Of Love
  • Our Kind of Love Official Trailer

    When Harun, a second-generation British-Afghan man who grew up in London, can't seem to find love through Western-style dating, he decides to use his culture's methods to arrange a marriage. But his potential love interest, Samira, is a recent refugee to London, and their first meeting -- at a st...


  • OUR KIND OF LOVE - Full Movie

    When Harun, a second-generation British-Afghan man who grew up in London, can't seem to find love through Western-style dating, he decides to use his culture's methods to arrange a marriage. But his potential love interest, Samira, is a recent refugee to London, and their first meeting -- at a st...