Life Stories from My Grandpa: Find Your Inner Courage and Banish Insecurities

Life Stories from My Grandpa: Find Your Inner Courage and Banish Insecurities

Life has a lot of lessons to teach—take it from someone who has learned a lot over the course of his long life! Peter Xifo dives into the stories of the main character and the lessons he’s learned, providing motivation, inspiration, and real actionable takeaways that can help better your life today.

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Life Stories from My Grandpa: Find Your Inner Courage and Banish Insecurities
  • I Remember Denmark: We All Make Mistakes

    This audio story goes deep into the psychology of mistakes and regrets. Our Grandpa Pete will take you through an emotional journey that ultimately demonstrates that mistakes are not the end. We cannot take back what we've done. But what we can do is use what we've learned from our mistakes to ma...

  • I Remember Kenya: Broadening Your Perspective

    In today's story, the protagonist will take us on a trip to Kenya where a sharp cultural contrast explodes into an emotional story about different perspectives. The story goes into a fun and entertaining experience of a young photographer in the country where he learns that listening to other peo...

  • I Remember Switzerland: Learning How to Trust

    Life is filled with temptations, which can leave a lot of room for doubt. In today's audio story, a lovely couple goes through an episode of jealousy that triggered a series of emotional responses by both partners. Listen to today's entertaining audio story that will take you on a trip to Switzer...

  • I Remember Australia: Winning Over Your Phobia

    Fear is an interesting emotion. It keeps us from doing stupid things like grabbing snakes or high diving off mile high cliffs. But it can also keep us from exploring new things and stepping outside our comfort zone. In today's audio story, the protagonist walks us through his deepest emotions and...

  • I Remember Netherlands: Taking Care of Each Other

    We all get disappointed in life sometimes. In today's audio story, our protagonist takes us to Amsterdam, Netherlands, where he was on a vacation with his family when an accident happens. The character goes through an emotional struggle to cope with the new reality and disappointment in himself a...

  • I Remember Philippines: When Life Throws You a Curve Ball

    Everything happens for a reason, and even the sad things of life can lead to better things later on, such as creating strong bond with your family, adjusting your life's priorities, discovering new passions, and much more. It all works out in the end, so all we can do is keep going, have faith, a...

  • I Remember Russia: Through the Ups and Downs of a Relationship

    Maintaining a thriving relationship with your loved one is not always easy. Going through daily fights is a natural process of aligning and reconciling both parties. But this can also be draining for even the strongest minds. find a way to manage how you recuperate from those scuffl...

  • I Remember Georgia: Getting Along with People

    In today's story, the protagonist goes through the difficult emotional experience and realization that, in life, not everyone who you encounter will necessarily like you or support you. Listen in to find out the emotional struggles and doubts of our grandpa as he reaches an important decision tha...

  • I Remember Japan: The Virtue of Patience

    Being patient can be SO hard! We all want things here and now, but sometimes waiting for later can be far better than getting everything we want immediately. Listen to this audio story set in exotic Japan, and enjoy the adventure of one couple deeply in love who discovered the virtue of patience ...

  • I Remember Bulgaria: The Courage to Take Action

    Struggling with a big decision or taking a big step? No matter what it is, you can do it! Finding the courage to take an action can be difficult, but we’re here to help. Join us on this audio adventure and learn from one man’s courage to face up to his challenges and take the step that changed hi...

  • I Remember Brazil: Calming the Mind

    In less than 10-minutes, today's life story from Grandpa Peter Xifo takes you to Brazil. This is wonderful to listen to anytime you are feeling overwhelmed or worried. This brief story transports you to another world where your mind is quickly soothed and where you instantaneously overcome any wo...

  • I Remember France: Embracing Change

    Today, you’ll be treated to a wonderful life story from Grandpa Peter. In just 7-minutes you’ll get the opportunity to hear a beautiful story about accepting and embracing change. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.