Inside a Kid's Mind: Cultivating Emotional and Mental Health

Inside a Kid's Mind: Cultivating Emotional and Mental Health

Our Inside a Kid's Mind show focuses on the difficult topic of discussing children’s psychology, and why kids’ mental health shouldn’t be neglected, even if everything looks fine…Whether you have a peaceful toddler, or a difficult teenager, it’s essential for their wellbeing and your bond. You’ll hear real-life cases of kids beating depression, ADHD and other conditions, while finding purpose in life, and how to support them as a parent in this difficult age. Discover new protocols, innovative technologies and approaches for building mental resilience in kids.

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Inside a Kid's Mind: Cultivating Emotional and Mental Health
  • Breaking Tech Addiction & Setting Boundaries

    How to safeguard our children from technology addiction? When video games and tablets take over kids’ lives, parents can feel extremely hopeless. This happened to a family with 3 children, who would choose their phones above anything else. But once the parents took the right approach, a month was...

  • How to Teach Kids to Self-Regulate

    We all have big feelings, including our children. But when they are young, it’s up to the parents to teach them how to process these emotions. This process is called self-regulation, and learning to wind down after a hard day is the key skill our children have to obtain. During this value-packed ...

  • Case Studies of Treating Toxic Load in Children

    Nothing seems scarier than watching your kid go through developmental issues… Not speaking, being shy & anxious, or twitching… Dr. Sharon Stills knows how it feels both as a parent and as a physician, and she has been able to help plenty of young ones reclaim their healthy childhood. Her secret l...

  • Why do we Have an Epidemic of Autism?

    Some predictions say that by 2035, 1 in 2 children may suffer from autism. That date isn’t that far away anymore… And the main “suspect” guilty for that? Is one single chemical widely used around the world, and especially common in the United States. The latest research suggests a 98% correlation...

  • Using Bioregulatory Medicine For Healing Kids at the Cellular Level

    Turns out that kids are great patients for all sorts of healing therapies. Not just because they listen to what the adults say, but also because they have less toxic burden and emotional baggage (which is actually a huge factor in healing efficiently). However, if traditional medicine doesn’t hav...

  • Biology & Assessment of Trauma in Kids

    The behavior isn’t the issue, it’s the root cause that’s problematic… Says Dr. Aimie Apigian while listing the various ways in which kids manifest trauma. But how are you going to find the root cause, if you don’t even know what signs to look for? What does it mean if your child is aggressive? Qu...

  • Recognizing & Helping Kids With Mental Health Issues

    Depression in children isn’t a rare thing anymore, so parents should be twice as alert to watch their children. Noticing early developmental issues should definitely be mastered by every parent, just like making sure that the kids receive actual answers to their problems, and not just pills. This...

  • 3 Root Causes of Mental Health Problems in Kids

    Depression amongst kids and teenagers has never been as common as it is now. The older generation may be shocked, because the modern child has so many conveniences at their disposal… But new conveniences come with their own new challenges. Why is today’s youth full of anxiety, depression, and sui...

  • Alarming Prevalence of Mental Health Issues & Their Causes in Children

    Remember when we used to spend the whole day out, having our parents worried about us coming home for dinner in time? Instead, today’s parents see their children glued to their phones, having anxiety & depression, and having a hard time making new friends… According to Dr. Sharon Stills, modern k...

  • How Does Trauma Affect Brain Development in Kids

    Speaking to a child is crucial for their development, but… Talking to them as if they were a mini-adult is a huge mistake. According to Dr. Keesha Ewers, parents need to speak to the child’s ‘reptilian brain’, as it’s still developing. Otherwise they may be causing unnecessary obstacles and even ...

  • First Step to Healing Trauma in Kids: Building Trust & Creating a Safe Place

    Relationships with kids don’t always go right, but we always have a choice… As a parent, you can decide to become the ‘safe person’ for your child, and help them overcome their mental challenges. We know that rebuilding your relationship can be the most difficult thing about parenting, and Dr. Ai...

  • Role of Parents & Society in Raising Kids With Inner Intelligence

    Communication is what separates master parents from those average ones. The masters know how to teach their children to have feelings, and make sure they’re not afraid to express their needs. Sounds easy, but since every kid is different - parents often have a hard time applying their ‘strategies...

  • Diving Deep into How Kids Experience Trauma

    Every parent should acknowledge this: Their kid might look fine on the outside, while actually experiencing trauma on the inside. And since emotions can be difficult to spot, it’s best to avoid some common practices that overwhelm the child silently… In this Health Bite, we’ve invited Dr. Aimie A...

  • What Are Deaths of Despair?

    Kids having a hard time nowadays doesn’t necessarily mean that they resort to drugs and partying… Some young ones simply can’t keep up with the pressure coming from social media, which the older generation just doesn't understand… We didn’t grow up in a generation, where being flashy and famous w...